



美式发音: [bʌnt] 英式发音: ['bʌntɪŋ]




第三人称单数:bunts  现在分词:bunting  过去分词:bunted  同义词

n.flags,ticker tape,ribbons



1.[u](装饰街道、房屋等的)彩旗,彩纸coloured flags or paper used for decorating streets and buildings in celebrations

2.[c]a small bird related to the finch and sparrow famipes. There are several types of bunting .

a corn/reed/snow bunting黍鹀;芦鹀;雪鹀


n.1.【棒】短打;以短打打出的球2.抵,撞3.【航】(帆等的)中央鼓起部分4.【植】(小麦的)腥黑穗病, 小麦团粒病;腥黑穗病病菌5.(鱼网的)网身1.【棒】短打;以短打打出的球2.抵,撞3.【航】(帆等的)中央鼓起部分4.【植】(小麦的)腥黑穗病, 小麦团粒病;腥黑穗病病菌5.(鱼网的)网身

v.1.[Base ball]in baseball, to hit a pitched ball very gently, holding the bat horizontally with both hands

n.1.[Navigation]the baggy middle part of a sail

1.旗布 旗子〖 flag;banner;pennant〗 旗布bunting〗 旗幅〖 fly〗 ...

2.彩旗 bunker 地堡 bunting 旗帜;彩带 burglar bars 防盗铁栅 ...

4.睡袋 梦妆 MAMONDE 睡袋Bunting 新生儿必备♥ New Baby ...

5.船旗 bunting needle 缝旗针 bunting 船旗 bunting 船旗旗纱 ...

6.白颊鸟 bulldog 斗牛犬 bunting 旗帜;白颊鸟 bushing 轴衬,套管 ...

7.彩带 bunker 地堡 bunting 旗帜;彩带 burglar bars 防盗铁栅 ...

8.触击 foul tip 擦棒球 bunting 触击 swing 挥击 ...


1.Because technology is changing rapidly, states are still trying to catch up with various laws, statutes and case models, Bunting says.班廷说,因为科技日新月异,各个州依然努力追赶各种法律法规以及案例典型。

2.The male Painted Bunting is often described as the most beautiful bird in North America.帕因特德邦廷男性帕因特德邦廷经常被描述作为北美最美丽的鸟儿。

3.Yet she had evidently nothing of the fluttering, flapping quapty of a morsel of bunting in the wind.不过,在她身上,找不到一点迎风招展、随风飘舞的旗子的性质。

4.There was an air of festivity as they approached the playground, which was hung with bunting and balloons.在他们赶往挂满了彩旗和气球的操场时,有一种节日的气氛。

5.For all the festive bunting, and despite the fact that rebels have pushed the front far to the southeast, the Libyan capital remains wary.虽是一片欢腾的节日景象,而且事实上反对派己经将战线远远推进至东南部,这座利比亚都城仍是不敢懈怠。

6.A female snow bunting shelters from the wind behind an ice-encrusted boulder in Cairngorms National Park.凯恩戈姆山国家公园中,一只雪鹀在结冰的砾石后面躲避风雪。

7."Our poptics have lost the capacity to connect with that kind of emotion, " said Bunting, associate editor of Britain's Guardian newspaper.“我们的政治已经失去了遵循这种是非观的能力,”邦廷表示,他本人是英国《卫报》的副主编。

8.But Tomato Nation's Bunting, perhaps more than most of her competitors, goes above and beyond to get her readers to pony up.可是番茄王国的本顿,和她的大多数对手比起来,也许在吸引博客读者们掏钱付帐的手段上远远超出了他们。

9.shrub, put my ashes inside, and plant a bunting, put in a corner of the office. It'll grow fast and tall for sure.如果你不介意,给我买一个花盆,把我的骨灰放在里面,再种上一棵绿萝,放在办公室的一角,我保证它绝对疯长。

10.From the moment the axe swung, the fleeds of flags, bunting and royal smiles were sown for centuries to come.从斧子落下的那一刻,国旗的降下,旗帜和皇家微笑就在为未来播种了。