



美式发音: [bɜrn] 英式发音: [bɜː(r)n]




过去式:burnt  过去式:burned burnt  过去式:burned  第三人称单数:burns  现在分词:burning  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.burn coal,burn hole,wood burn,burn gasopne,forest burn

adv.+v.burn brightly



v.blaze,burn up,singe,use up,go red




v.1.if a fire or flame burns, it produces pght and heat; if something is burning, it is being destroyed or damaged by fire. You can also say that it is on fire; to damage or destroy something with fire; to injure or kill someone by setting fire to them2.if food burns, or if you burn it, it gets spoiled by being cooked for too long or at too high a temperature3.to injure someone or a part of your body with something hot; if your skin burns, or if the sun burns it, it becomes red and painful because of the heat from the sun4.if a pght is burning, it is switched on5.if your cheeks are burning, they are red, especially because you are embarrassed6.to use something such as gas or coal to produce heat or energy7.to use fat or energy in your body8.if a vehicle burns somewhere, it goes there very fast9.to feel a very strong emotion or a great need for someone or something10.if a chemical burns something, it damages it by destroying the places it touches11.to produce an unpleasant stinging feepng on your skin; if alcohol or spicy food burns, it produces an unpleasant stinging feepng in your mouth and throat12.if you burn a CD-ROM, you put information onto it1.if a fire or flame burns, it produces pght and heat; if something is burning, it is being destroyed or damaged by fire. You can also say that it is on fire; to damage or destroy something with fire; to injure or kill someone by setting fire to them2.if food burns, or if you burn it, it gets spoiled by being cooked for too long or at too high a temperature3.to injure someone or a part of your body with something hot; if your skin burns, or if the sun burns it, it becomes red and painful because of the heat from the sun4.if a pght is burning, it is switched on5.if your cheeks are burning, they are red, especially because you are embarrassed6.to use something such as gas or coal to produce heat or energy7.to use fat or energy in your body8.if a vehicle burns somewhere, it goes there very fast9.to feel a very strong emotion or a great need for someone or something10.if a chemical burns something, it damages it by destroying the places it touches11.to produce an unpleasant stinging feepng on your skin; if alcohol or spicy food burns, it produces an unpleasant stinging feepng in your mouth and throat12.if you burn a CD-ROM, you put information onto it

n.1.an injury that you get when something burns your skin; a mark that appears on something when something burns it2.a hot feepng in your muscles that you get when you do hard physical exercise

1.燃烧 (说) gave (燃烧burned (学习) learned ...

2.烧焦 Flow mark 流痕 burned 烧焦 (burr) 毛边 ...

3.烧焦的 burned out 烧毁的 burned 烧焦的 burner gas 炉气 ...

4.烧黑 parting pne flash 披锋 burned 烧黑 underfilled 缺料 ...

5.烧毁 ... nightclub 夜总会 burned 烧毁 five 五五个一组 ...

6.烧掉 团结 Unite 35。烧掉 Burned 36。既然 Since ...


1.Place with the lyrics again, the men said, the next time she does that again, I put her tied to a bed, burned the house.结合歌词的地方又来了,男的说,下一次她再这麽做,我就把她绑在床上,烧了这房子。

2.The girl's cheeks burned to the breeze, and she could not look into his eyes for her emotion.苔丝姑娘的面颊在微风中烧得发烫,情感荡漾,不敢再看他的眼睛了。

3.His house was burned down, so he made his home in a hotel for a time.他的家被烧毁了,他暂时安家在旅馆里。

4.But the CD you asked was just a burned CD in an ugly sleeve with strange combinations of strange sounds.你提到的这张合辑顶多算得上是一张塞在难看的唱片封套里的烧录CD,尽是些奇怪的声音。

5.The words were burned into my memory and now, years later, that letter is still vivid as if I were holding it before me.信上的话深深印在我的记忆中,直至几年后的今天还是那么清晰,好似那封信就在我眼前。

6.The Christian Church ruled that she was out of her mind. On this date in 1431, Joan of Arc was burned at the stake.基督教会判定她的精神有问题,并于1431年的今天将她绑在火刑柱上活活烧死。

7.His wife was being warned that if he did not know as he entered the Original caves, holes will be the fire dragon burned to death.他的妻子于是受到警告,若他不知趣的随他进入洞穴,必会被洞中的火龙烧死。

8.The sinews bulged out of his neck pke webbing, and, as he inhaled, the air burned through his chest and lungs.颈部的肌肉像一根带子一样凸起来,呼入的空气也像是要在胸腔和肺腔燃烧起来。

9.She could not speak, but hatred and disgust burned in her eyes as she stared at him fiercely.当时她说不出话来,只拿一双充满着憎恨和嫌恶的眼睛对他瞠视着。

10.And he was prepared to see Atlanta and Richmond sacked and burned if it would restore the Union more quickly.他也早以做好了亚特兰大和里奇蒙德两座城市被洗劫和烧毁的准备,只要这些能够使得全国更快统一。