


美式发音: [ˈwɜrkər] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)kə(r)]



复数:workers  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard worker,good worker,skilled worker,young worker,experienced worker

v.+n.worker come,hire worker,kidnap worker,dismiss worker,shoot worker




1.工作者;人员a person who works, especially one who does a particular kind of work

farm/factory/office workers农场╱工厂工人;职员

rescue/aid/research workers救援╱援助╱研究人员

temporary/part-time/casual workers临时工;兼职工;零工

manual/skilled/unskilled workers体力劳动者;熟练╱非熟练工人

2.[usupl]雇员;(尤指)劳工,工人a person who is employed in a company or industry, especially sb who does physical work rather than organizing things or managing people

Confpct between employers and workers intensified and the number of strikes rose.劳资矛盾加剧,罢工次数增多。

talks between workers and management劳资谈判

3.干活…的人a person who works in a particular way

a hard/fast/quick/slow worker做事努力╱快╱麻利╱慢的人

4.工蜂a female bee that helps do the work of the group of bees but does not reproduce


n.1.someone below the level of a manager who works in a particular company or industry; working-class people2.someone who works for a particular organization, especially a poptical party3网站屏蔽ed for describing how well, quickly, etc. someone works

1.工人 doctor 医生 253 worker 工人 254 guess 猜 255 ...

2.工作者 labour costs,labour input 劳力成本 worker 工作者 permanent worker 长期工, 固定工 ...

3.劳动者 wordy 冗长的,用词多的 worker 劳动者,工作者,工人 workman 工人,工匠 ...

4.工作人员 Workaround 权变措施应对方案 Worker 工作人员 Workers 工人 ...

5.工作者,人员 word n. 词;话;消息;语言 worker n. 工人;工作者,人员 workman n. 工人,劳 …




1.He made something of what the worker said to fire him.他以那工人说的话为借口,把他解雇了。

2.As with the jewelry, Hong pawned it for the money used to cure a severely sick worker who had no money for medical treatment.至于那个首饰是一个民工得了重病没钱看,洪小玲只好当了首饰来凑钱。

3.Thomas Jefferson produced the Declaration with the aid of a ghostwriter, a woman of color named Betty Mae, who was a non-voluntary worker.托马斯·杰斐逊的宣言是在一名代笔的帮助下写的,那是一名叫做贝蒂美的有色人种女性,她不是自愿的。

4.In Detroit, could a worker who sets out on his own and fails expect to be re-employed within a few months?在底特律,工人独自创业却又失败了,他能指望在几个月内重新受雇吗?

5.Gerry once claimed to be the best worker in the office, but that time, he failed to work out a task. He really had egg on his face.Gerry曾声称是办公室里最好的员工,但那次他却没有完成任务,真是丢脸。

6.The robber said he would shoot the bank worker if he moved a muscle.强盗说银行职员若敢动一下,他就开枪。

7.The government is trying to impose new real-estate taxes, create a better social-safety net and encourage better worker pay, he said.黄一庄说,中国政府正试图出台新的房地产税、完善社会保障体系并鼓励提高工人的工资。

8.What my family repairs invites is a personal repair troop, repairs skilled worker's craftsmanship to be very good, recommends you to ask.我家装修请的是一个私人装修队伍,装修师傅的手艺都很好,推荐你去问问。

9.Tangshan Hengrui was set up a decade ago by the company's current boss Ms Li, who was once a worker in a state-owned ceramic factory.唐山恒瑞瓷业于十年前成立,创始人即现在的老板曾在一家国有瓷器厂干过。

10.Less than 24 hours before his death the company worker from Tokyo had spoken of his joy at the prospect of getting married.在这位公司员工死亡前的24小时内,提起将来要结婚自己还高兴不已。