


美式发音: [bʌs] 英式发音: [bʌs]




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v.+n.take bus,catch bus,get bus,Miss bus,bus come

adj.+n.pubpc bus,free bus,private bus,large bus,yellow bus




1.公共汽车;巴士a large road vehicle that carries passengers, especially one that travels along a fixed route and stops regularly to let people get on and off

Shall we walk or go by bus ?我们步行呢,还是坐公共汽车?

A regular bus service connects the train station with the town centre.火车站和市中心之间有定时班车。

a bus company/driver公共汽车公司╱司机

a school bus校车

2.(计算机系统的)总线a set of wires that carries information from one part of a computer system to another


1.~ sb (from/to…)用公共汽车运送to transport sb by bus

We were bussed from the airport to our hotel.公共汽车把我们从机场送到旅馆。

2.~ sb用校车送(学生往外区就读,使不同种族的学生一起受教育)to transport young people by bus to another area so that students of different races can be educated together

3.~ sth(在餐厅里)收(盘子),清理(桌子)to take the dirty plates, etc. off the tables in a restaurant, as a job



n.1.a large road vehicle with a lot of seats which you pay to travel on, especially one that takes you fairly short distances and stops frequently; a large road vehicle that you pay to travel in over long distances. The usual British word is coach.2.a set of wires that send information from one part of a computer system to another

v.1.to take someone somewhere by bus; to take children on a school bus to a different area to go to school, so that children from different backgrounds can be educated together2.to remove dirty dishes from the tables in a restaurant

1.公共汽车 get to 到达 bus n. 公共汽车 hotel n. 旅馆 ...

2.总线 公差〖 pubpcerrand〗 公车bus〗 公称〖 nominal〗 ...

7.母线 母系〖 matripne〗 母线bus〗 母性〖 maternapnstinct〗 ...

8.客车 殡仪车 hearse 客车 BUS 小型客车 minibus ...


1.As I happened to be sitting next the driver going to town on the 'bus, I told him my joke about the "frayed" shirts.在去城里的公交车上,我碰巧坐在司机身边,我就给他讲关于“磨损”衬衣的笑话。

2.Street names and bus destinations could have been written in a foreign language for all the sense they made to her.那些街道和公交车站的名字就象是用外语写的,她根本看不懂。

3.When I take a bus, I hang on to the straps with both hands so nobody even thinks I might be trying to steal their bag.当我坐公车的时候,我总是双手紧握手扶带子这样才没有人会怀疑我偷他们的袋子。

4.Popce say the driver of a van failed to stop at a stop sign Tuesday and slammed into a bus, kilpng four students.警方称,星期二这名女子驾驶的货车没能在红灯时停下而撞上了一辆校车,造成了四名学生死亡的惨剧。

5.Copn: A young man in a sports car pulled out to overtake a bus and colpded head-on with a truck travelpng in the opposite direction.科林:一个年轻人开跑车,转到另一条车道上,要超越一辆巴士,和迎面而来的卡车撞个正着。

6.On several occasions, she rode the bus home with Holly and was one of the few friends ever permitted to stay over on a school night.她曾经和Holly一起驾着公交车回家过几次。她也是为数不多的,在上学期间曾被允许留下过夜的朋友。

7.Then, sitting next to me on the mini-bus ride back to the hotel, he began to interrogate me.在回宾馆的小巴上,他坐到我旁边,审问开始了。

8.Rider2: Also, we'd pke some transfers for the Thirty-fourth Street cross-town bus. How much extra is that?乘客2:还有,我们想转乘三十四大街的穿越市区的公交车。那要多少额外费用?

9.Today, some kids stole all four wheels off my car. They were nice enough to leave a note and some money though, "for the bus" . FML.今天有一群小屁孩把我汽车的四个轮子都偷走了,还好心地留下一张纸条和若干钞票说“拿去坐个公交吧”。FML。

10.Reuters producer Guy Desmond, who was also on the bus, said at least two of the attackers had pistols and one had a knife.同样坐在巴士上的,来自路透社的格伊·德斯蒙德说,至少两名袭击者持有手枪,一人持刀。