


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.珀塞尔 (BELLINI 贝里尼) (PURCELL 普赛尔) (MUSSORGSKY 穆索斯基) ...

3.普塞尔 浦契尼( Puccini, Sergey, 1858-1924) 菩赛尔Purcell, Henry, 1659-1695) 皮克卡能( Pylkkanen, Tauno, 1918-1980) ...

5.帕塞尔 Pergolesi 佩尔格莱西 | Purcell 帕塞尔 | Rameau 拉莫 | ...

6.浦赛尔 Puccini 普契尼 PURCELL 浦赛尔 J.STRAUSS 约翰.史特劳斯 ...

7.柏塞尔其中E.M.柏塞尔Purcell)的《无机化学》是当前公认的无机化学经典著作之一,以理论层次高著称。这样,申泮文在较短 …


1.A few days later, our resident architect Keith Purcell came into the office more excited than usual.几天后,我们的常驻架构设计师KeithPurcell怀着比平常更为激动的心情来到办公室。

2.The Owenses pve on a five-hundred-acre ranch on the slopes of the Purcell Mountains, in an area known as Curley Creek.在一处称作柯利克里克(CurleyCreek)的地方,欧文斯夫妇靠着位于珀赛尔山脉500英亩山坡地农场谋生。

3.In recent years, photonic crystal defect cavity is widely used to achieve high Purcell factor for high efficiency single photon sources.摘要近年来,光子晶体共振腔由于拥有高Purcell效应已被频繁地使用以提升单光子源效率,利于未来量子密码与通讯等应用。

4.The move ignited a battle over Mr Purcell's leadership which led to his resignation three months later.此举引发了一场围绕裴熙亮领导权的争斗,结果导致他在3个月后宣布辞职。

5.Qingdao Purcell Electrical Equipment Co. , Ltd. located in the international tourism cities - Qingdao.青岛赛尔电气设备有限公司位于国际旅游城市——青岛。

6.Purcell explains to the six- and seven-year-olds how owls eat things whole and then cough up pellets filled with what they couldn't digest.赛尔解释到六,七岁的孩子吃的东西如何猫头鹰整个然后咳嗽与他们无法消化填充颗粒。

7.Frank White badly wanted Purcell to win the runoff.弗兰克.怀特非常希望乔.珀塞尔能够在第二轮初选取胜。

8.same here , thomas . dr keyes . - i know . tom purcell.我也是,凯斯博士-我知道,汤姆普瑟。

9.The most famous is Henry Purcell (1658-1695), whose opera "Dido and Aeneas" is a classic.最有名的是亨利·普赛尔(1658-1695),戏剧《珀赛尔狄多与埃涅阿斯》是个经典。

10.Four Winds director Purcell not only trains volunteers, she is one.四方主任赛尔不仅列车的志愿者,她是其中之一。