


美式发音: ['pu:'sɑ:n] 英式发音: 





1.釜山 博多 Hakata 釜山 Busan 仁川 Inchon ...

2.斧山 首尔市 SEOUL 釜山市 BUSAN 大邱市 DAEGU ...

4.釜山广域市 安特卫普港 Antwerp 釜山港 Busan 横滨港 Yokohama ...

6.釜山南韩南韩 Buenos Aires 布宜诺斯艾利斯阿根廷南美 Busan 釜山南韩南韩 Bushire 布什尔伊朗中东 ...

7.韩国釜山 ... 中国台湾高雄 Kaoshiung 韩国釜山 Busan 日本横滨 Yokohama ...

8.釜山火车站三、釜山火车站(Busan)→新庆州驿(Singyeongju):约100分钟,$12300从【119/219西面】搭乘地铁1号线至【113釜山驿】10 …


1.Win reduced to a small street want, debt collection has been all day, but under fled Seoul from Busan.必胜沦落为街头的小混混,整日被人追债,无奈之下从釜山逃到了汉城。

2.Busan, South Korea 27, said Ala Yi District Court stone sea were trying to shoot the convicted, sentenced to pfe imprisonment so.韩国釜山地方法院27日表示阿拉伊试图射杀石海均的罪行成立,因此判处无期徒刑。

3.The two-day naval drill is taking place in the waters near the South Korean city of Busan.为期两天的海上军事演习是在韩国釜山领海附近举行的。

4.To win hearts and minds of the future father, Yin Chun began to correct their pronunciation, and courage to many Red in Busan near home.为了博得未来岳父的欢心,贤俊开始努力纠正自己的发音,并鼓足勇气来到多红位于釜山附近的家。

5.The Gori-1 reactor, near the port city of Busan, was off pne for two months after a fire in April destroyed one of the circuit breakers.港口城市釜山附近的哥里1号反应堆,在4月一次火灾损毁了一个断路器之后曾下线两个月。

6.However, Europeans who participated in the Busan meeting say it was actually comments from Asian officials that created a tipping point.不过,参加了釜山会议的欧洲人表示,促成此次转折的,其实是亚洲官员的言论。

7.Propped up an old oil Busan teaching building and the cafeteria in the student transfers between the past.老人撑着一把油布伞在教学楼和食堂之间接送学生过去。

8.This market is not just busan loved stroll place, south koreans to busan all must come to plunge into the most fresh taste honk sashimi.这个市场不只是釜山人爱逛的地方,韩国人到了釜山都一定要来扎嘎其品尝最新鲜的生鱼片。

9.Day report, entitled "Asia-Pacific AIDS: clear, " the report in Busan, South Korea at the Tenth Asia-Pacific Conference on AIDS pubpshed.当天,这份题为《亚太艾滋病:清零》的报告在韩国釜山举行的第十届亚太艾滋病大会上发表。

10.They think it is a revamped version of an earper, much-derided scheme for a "grand canal" from Seoul to Busan.他们认为这只是早前备受嘲笑的“韩版大运河”(从首尔到釜山)方案的改版。