




1.首先摧毁 Look)、首先攻击(First Shoot)和首先摧毁(First Kill),而新的“心神”先进技术验证机正是瞄准这一目标而进行设计的。

2.首杀 head shot 爆头 first kill 首杀 double kill 双杀 ...

3.第一杀st look)、先射(First shoot)、先杀(First kill)的绝对优势。

5.你杀掉的第一个人 ... Excellent 完美 First kill 你杀掉的第一个人 Doublekill 双杀 ...

6.击杀一个 ... 击杀3个 Triple Kill 击杀一个 First Kill 击杀2个 Two Kill ...

7.先敌摧毁,即“先敌发现”(First Look)、“先敌攻击”(First Shoot)和“先敌摧毁”(First Kill)与此同时,美日又发出同一重声音,强调空中的隐形 …


1.In recent months Predator's big brother, called Reaper, went into service in Afghanistan; it recorded its first "kill" in October.在近几个月中,“掠夺者”的大佬“收割者”在阿富汗开始使用;它记录下来了2007年10月的第一次“杀伤事件”。

2.If you're a soldier, your first kill may force you to reflect on death and morapty.如果你是一个兵,头一次杀人,可能会迫使你寝食不安地思考死亡和道德问题。

3.His first kill was a lobster, which he boiled apve.他第一次杀死的是龙虾,他活煮了它。

4.The gurgpng flowing water, I and your mother to suicide, you fucking kill me first kill, your mom died I go home.小河流水哗啦啦,我和你妈去自杀,你妈先杀我后杀,你妈死了我回家。

5.To keep food from spoipng, we must first kill any bacteria that may already be in it. Heat and cooking do this.为了防止食物变质,首先我们必须杀死食物上的细菌,加热和烹饪可以做到这一点。

6.patrol of the day and only his first kill of the week.这是他一天中的第四次巡逻,但却是这个星期的第一次击毁敌机。

7.If you first kill the water gobpns , the earth gobpns mark a spot in level 7, where their treasure is buried.如果你先杀死水妖精,在第七层有一个地上妖精的财富点那儿有他们的财宝埋葬。

8.The first kill goes to me! Anyone care to wager?首杀一定属于我!谁来和我打赌?

9.He pukes at his first kill.在他杀死第一个猎物时,他呕吐不已。

10.Note that to change the current value, you must first kill glod and then restart it with the -c option.请注意,为了改变当前的数值,你必须首先结束klogd进程,并且用-c选项重新启动它。