

business district

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n.1.an area reserved for, or composed mainly of, retail businesses or offices

1.商业区 Bush hammering 粗面石工 Business District 商业区 Business Vehicle 营业车辆 ...

2.商务区 Business 商务,商业 Business district 商务区 Business popcy 商业政策 ...

3.商务地段 business concept 经营理念 business district 商务地段,商务区 business executive 企业主管人员 ...


5.商业区域产品,故商圈的观念是针对一家零售商店及其产品而来的。商业区域(Business District)指的是「消费者会前往购物之地理区域 …

6.商业街 ... 商业发票 commercial invoice 商业街 commercial street;business district 社会福利彩票 social welfare lotteries ...

7.商业地区 ... poor district 贫困地区 business district 商业地区 ...

8.商圈区域该商店的商圈。 陈嘉民(1999)认为商圈及变相的商圈区域(business district)的定义及消费者会前 往购物之地?区域?的商店群…


1.state of emergency for the town and county and said the business district, town hall and all schools in Apex will be closed Friday.莱福徳宣布了该镇和县处于紧急状态,易帕克斯地区的商业区,市政厅和所有学校在星期五全部关闭。

2.It puts the traveller into a properly reflective state of mind for a visit toMan Mo temple above Central business district.游览位于中心商务区上面的文武庙会带给你一种奇特的心境。

3.As the Han people emigrated from the city center to the city outside the front door business district began to thrive.随着汉族居民从市中心移居到城市外部,前门商业区开始兴盛起来。

4.The hotel's Web site said the hotel occupies a prime position in Beijing's central business district.该酒店网站上的信息显示,其位于北京的中心商业区。

5.Close to shops, parklands , street cafes, and restaurants, sporting venues, cinemas, schools and a prosperous business district.近学校,公园,街道快餐店,运动场所,电影院,学校及商务区。

6.We stopped at a junction on a main highway, which runs across the northern end of the central business district of Bangkok.大家好,我们现在所在的位置是横跨曼谷中心商业区北部的高速路交汇处。

7.For authentic local food, one of the best is Lau Pa Sat, close to the business district.要吃地道的当地食品,最好的去处就是“老巴刹(LauPaSat)”,那里离商务区很近。

8.The hotel is in a superb location near the business district. Besides work and rest, you'll find endless joys there.宾馆靠近商业区,除了工作、休息之外,还有说不尽的乐趣,位置极佳,无与伦比。

9.He hit sixty coming out of the business district with that siren coming closer behind us.从商业区冲出来的时候他的车速达到了60英里,尾后的警笛仍然步步逼近。

10.Ecology Business District is called EBD for short, which, led by modem industry and business, contains both the humanism and environment.EBD即生态商务区,指兼顾人本与环境,以现代产业、商务为主导的生态新城区。