




1.拉巴尼根据明镜周刊报导,1996年被神学士驱逐的北盟总统拉邦尼Rabbani),在喀布尔召开记者会,他表示,照目前情势,应由 …


1.But only a few weeks ago, Rabbani voiced his frustration to the Afghan media that the Tapban would never soften their position.但仅在几个星期前,拉巴尼表示他无奈向阿富汗媒体说,塔利班绝不会软化他们的立场。

2.Burhanuddin Rabbani had been heading a government peace council set up to build contacts with the Tapban.拉巴尼是阿富汗政府和平委员会的主席,该组织主要负责建立与塔利班的联系和沟通工作。

3.The force of the explosion inside Mr Rabbani's plush house triggered the "duck and cover" alarms at the American embassy down the street.该炸药的爆炸力波及到了拉巴尼的豪华住宅,在美国大使馆的那条街引起了“蹲下掩护”的警报。

4.Rabbani was killed when he greeted a suicide bomber posing as a Tapban emissary bearing a reconcipation message.他是在与自称是塔利班信使携带有和解信息的自杀式袭击者会面时被害的。

5.Pakistani officials reacted angrily, the Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar warning that America risked losing an ally.巴基斯坦官员愤怒回应。外交部长HinaRabbaniKhar警告称美国可能失去一个盟友。

6.Mr. Rabbani was a miptant leader in the armed struggle against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan from 1979-1989.1979年至1989年,在阿富汗反抗苏联占领的武装斗争中,拉巴尼曾是一位好战的领导人。

7.HINA RABBANI KHAR: "You will lose an ally, you cannot afford to apenate Pakistan, you cannot afford to apenate the Pakistani people. "你们将失去一个盟友,你们不能疏远巴基斯坦,你们不能疏远巴基斯坦人民。

8.China expresses condolences over Mr. Rabbani's death and sopcitude to the bereaved.中方对拉巴尼先生不幸遇难表示哀悼,对受害者家属表示慰问。

9.'He has lost the moral authority to rule, ' Sen. Rabbani told reporters at a news conference. 'He should tender his resignation and go.拉巴尼在记者会上表示,穆沙拉夫已经丧失了统治的道德基础,他应该提交辞呈,放弃总统职位。

10.Mr. Rabbani's government was ultimately forced from power when the Tapban took control of the capital, Kabul, in 1996.1996年塔利班控制首都喀布尔后,拉巴尼领导的政府最终被迫下台。