

business school

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1.(大学里针对毕业生的)工商学院a part of a college or university that teaches business, often to graduates(= people who already have a first degree)


n.1.a type of university or college where people study subjects related to business

1.商学院 high school,secondary school 专科学校 business school 商业学校 technical school 工业学校 ...

3.商业学院 Art & Design 艺术与设计学院 Business School 商业学院 Engineering 工程学院 ...

4.美国大学商学院 ... International |国际贸易(商科) Business School |商学院排名 Business |商业(商科) ...


1.But Credit Suisse's business school, set up in 2004 for training throughout the bank, has also been active in wealth management.不过,瑞士信贷于2004年创建、旨在为整个银行提供培训的商学院,也一直积极致力于财富管理。

2.All this amounts to around 30% of the cost of construction, according to a case study on Living PlanIT by the Harvard Business School.这一切,根据哈佛商学院针对LivingPlanIT所作的一项个案研究数据,占到了建筑成本的大约30%。

3.This factor, intangible as it seems, is written into the formal standards for promotion at my own institution, Harvard Business School.这个因素,就好像无形资产在哈佛商学院被写入了晋升的正式标准中。

4.Once or twice a year I teach a case study about PizzaExpress (a restaurant chain I used to run) at London Business School.每年,我都会在伦敦商学院(LondonBusinessSchool)讲授一两次有关PizzaExpress(一家我曾经经营过的连锁餐厅)的案例分析。

5.Neither format dominates the business school rankings. Employers do not seem to discriminate.两类课程的时间并非决定商学院排名的主要因素,雇主似乎也没有厚此薄彼。

6.And I only lost a pttle bit of money, so pride with my business school fund then invested, I feel well.我只失去了一点钱,所以对商学院很自豪,在这我找到了投资,我感觉非常好。

7.I got out of Yale, I acted in New York for a year and then I commercial-fished and paid for Stanford Business School.从耶鲁大学毕业之后,我在纽约干了一年演员,然后就去商业捕鱼了。我挣得了上斯坦福商学院的费用。

8.Still, one of the main reasons I didn't have much money was that I had been paying my husband's way through business school.我没有很多钱的主要原因是我一直在为我的老公付商学院的学费。

9.Buffett appped to Harvard Business School but was turned down in what had to be one of the worst admissions decisions is Harvard history.巴菲特曾申请哈佛商学院被拒,这后来成为哈佛历史上最糟糕的录取决定之一。

10.But they both opened up to their peers in ways that may seem, at first glance, out of place in a business school setting.他们都曾向同学敞开心扉,这种做法给人的第一感觉是,它与商学院的环境格格不入。