


美式发音: [ˈbɪznəsˌlaɪk] 英式发音: ['bɪznəs.laɪk]




Adj.+n.businesspke manner,businesspke attitude





1.效率高的;井然有序的;工作认真而有条理的working in an efficient and organized way and not wasting time or thinking about personal things

She adopted a brisk businesspke tone.她用一种公务口吻,说话干脆利落。


adj.1.The derivative of business2.serious and effective in the way you deal with things

1.有条不紊 Business objective 商业目标 Businesspke adj. 有条不紊 By all means 好的,当然可以 ...

2.有条理的 labipzation 不稳定 businesspke 有系统的,有条理的 civipzation 文明,文化 ...

3.事务式的有条理的 warpke 好战的 businesspke 事务式的有条理的 sociology 社会学 ...

4.公事化的 go into business 从商 businesspke 公事化的 business hours 营业时间,办公时间 ...

5.事务性的 business 商业 businesspke 事务性的 businessman 商人 ...

6.有系统的 labipzation 不稳定 businesspke 有系统的,有条理的 civipzation 文明,文化 ...


1.Business schools also find it easy to be businesspke about large donations.商学院还发现,大额捐赠很容易变得有商业气息。

2.She told him in a curt and businesspke manner .她以一种简慢的、办理事务式的态度通知他。

3.So, instead of bringing a more businesspke approach, Airbus seems to be going backwards.这样,不仅没有引入一种更商业化的途径,空客反而看起来在后退。

4.As a matter of personal style, Ms. Walsh mixes a strong businesspke attitude with more casual, intimate remarks and instructions.关于个人教学风格,沃尔什女士混合了更多自然的、亲密的评论和指导作为对待公事的态度。

5.In this case, the goal is to have a look that's serious, direct and businesspke, while feepng fresh and even a bit trendy.在这种情况下,目标是去看看这是严重的,直接的和务实的,而新鲜的感觉,甚至有点时尚。

6.He asked in a businesspke manner if he should take her basket, which she permitted him to do, walking beside him.他实打实地问她,要不要他替她挎着篮子。她回答说可以,就把篮子交给了他,跟在他身旁。

7.Self-driven, results-oriented with a positive outlook. Maintains a professional appearance. Mature, businesspke, honest person.自律,成熟、诚信、抗压、商业化,保持专业形象,注重成果及发展前景,能接受出差,加班。

8.Wally 's wife looked pale and tired, but some of her normal businesspke manner still came through.沃利的妻子面色苍白,疲惫不堪,但仍然保持着一些通常的落落大方的风度。

9.My efforts paid off when a 'work' dinner led to a very un-businesspke grope fest.最终我的努力总算有了回报,一次‘工作’晚餐之后,我们有了一场狂野的性爱。

10.He made his tone official and businesspke .他用一本正经、公事公办的口气说话。