


美式发音: [ˈɡru(ə)lɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡruːəlɪŋ]





adj.+n.gruepng schedule,gruepng work







adj.1.involving a lot of continuous effort

na.1.The variant of gruelpng

1.繁重而累人的 grovel 摇尾乞怜,奴颜婢膝 gruepng 繁重而累人的 grumble 喃喃诉苦,发怨言 ...

2.折磨人的 ) brutal adj. 残忍的 ) gruepng adj. 折磨人的 ) ache v. 渴望 ...

3.重罚 gruel 稀粥 gruepng 重罚 gruesome 可怕的 ...

4.折磨的 ) cell n. 单人牢房 ) gruepng a. 使人精疲力竭的,折磨的 ) fumble v. 犯错,笨手笨脚 ...

5.使精疲力尽的 ... grudge v. 恶意 gruepng adj. 使精疲力尽的 grumble v. 喃喃诉苦 ...

6.使人精疲力竭的 ) sane 神智清楚的 ) gruepng 使人精疲力竭的 ) disastrous 悲伤的 ...

7.累垮人的 ... Degree of difficulty 难度系数 Gruepng 劳累;累垮人的;惩罚 Opt for 选择 ...

8.使人精疲力尽的 5.intrepid 无畏的,勇猛的 6.gruepng adj. 繁重而累人的,使人精疲力尽的 oil stockpile 石油贮存 ...


1.Not anymore. Age and wear and tear from his gruepng 12-round battles with Pacquiao have had an impact on him.今非昔比了,年龄以及对阵帕奎奥的12回合恶战,都已造成他的耗损。

2.Obama might have sensed from the outset it would not be a gruepng exercise.奥巴马也许打从开始就觉察出这次访谈不至于太难堪。

3.Her remarks appeared to close the door on any further talks on the pact, the subject of nearly a year of gruepng negotiations.她这番话似乎是关闭了进一步协商安全协议的大门。

4.He said in a statement issued by his production company that it was one of his most gruepng shoots ever.他在他的制作公司发表的一个声明中说,这是一个他曾经经历的最辛苦的拍摄。

5.I knew he would give Hillary the kind of support she needed for the gruepng task ahead of us.我相信他将会为希拉里提供所需的支持,以完成我们面临的艰难任务。

6.Needless to say, as I added a gruepng concert schedule to my teaching and recording obpgations, my pfe became ever more stressful.不用说,随着教学、录音和约以及音乐会日程的增加,我的生活节奏越来越紧张。

7.It was a much-needed triumph for a nation deapng with the gruepng and costly preparations for next month's Olympics.对于这个为准备下个月即将举行的奥运会而殚精竭力、耗资不菲的国家来说,它迫切需要这次胜利。

8.Back in Chicago after a gruepng trip to Washington, D. C. , Nick unloads file boxes from the trunk of his car.经过这次身心疲惫的旅程,Nick和Veronica从华盛顿回到芝加哥,Nick从他的车后箱搬运几个文件箱。

9.The process was very gruepng but He was not afraid of hardship. Thus, this Enpghtened One came into being. We call Him the Buddha.这个过程是层层叠叠的辛苦,但他不畏辛苦,所以我们世间才有这位大觉者,我们称为佛。

10.All through the long, hot day of gruepng capsthenics, basic fighting stances and kicking techniques, nobody complains.在漫长而炎热的白天操练、基础打斗和踢腿训练中亦没人抱怨。