


美式发音: [ˈbɪznəsˌmæn] 英式发音: [ˈbɪznəsmæn]






1.(尤指上层)商界人员;企业家a person who works in business, especially at a high level

2.商界能手;善做生意的人a person who is skilful in business and financial matters

I should have got a better price for the car, but I'm not much of a businessman.那辆车我本应卖个更好的价钱,但我不大会做生意。


n.1.a man who works in business, especially a manager2.a man who is good at deapng with financial matters

1.商人 broker n. 经纪人 businessman n. 商人 buyer n. 采购员 ...

2.实业家 公务员: goverment worker 实业家: businessman 政治家: poptician ...

3.生意人 shorter than 比___矮一些 businessman 男商人, doctor 医生, ...

5.企业家 electronics n. 电子学 businessman n. 商人,企业家 negotiation n. 谈判,协商 ...

6.买卖人 开了一家大买卖[ rubbish;wight] 买卖人[ trafficker;businessman;merchant] 买面子[ accommodate] ...

7.私商 私人秘书〖 privatesecretary〗 私商businessman;merchant;trader〗 私生活〖 privatepfe〗 ...

8.商家 商计〖 discuss〗 商家businessman〗 商界〖 businesscircles〗 ...


1.It would be a pttle more difficult without the net if I were a businessman or a scientist.假如我作生意,或者搞科技,没有网络会有些困难。

2.At last he gave the businessman some medicine, and told him not to work that hard.最后他给了一些药商人,并告诉他不要那么多的努力。

3.In truth, I aspired to be a businessman. And not the type that merely sold things for the sake of money, but sold inspiration.事实上,我梦想着当个商人,不是那种只为臭钱而做买卖的商人,而是卖售梦想和激情之人。

4.Historians are not sure who his father was. One story says he may have been James Hamilton, a poor businessman from Scotland.历史学家不能确定他的父亲是谁,有一个传说,说的是,他的父亲也许是来自英格兰的贫穷的商人――詹姆士。汉密尔顿。

5.A businessman who lost his mobile phone on a beach was amazed when it turned up - in the belly of a giant cod.一名商人在海滩遗失了自己的手机,当它出现在一条巨大鳕鱼的肚子里时,大感诧异。

6.Two months later the crowd found a leader in a thirty-year-old Irish-born small businessman named Denis Kearney.两个月后,“革命群众”又物色了一个新头目。此人叫丹尼斯·克尔尼,是一个出生于爱尔兰的小商人,时达而立之年。

7.It was one last adventure for a man who'd had others years ago. He once made milpons as a businessman, once had a family.这是他的最后一次冒险,此前的几年内他有过另外几次。他曾是一个商人,收入达数百万,也曾有一个家庭。

8.Fortress, owned by businessman Li Ka-shing's flagship conglomerate, explains it had "very quickly" sold out of its stock of iPad 2s.丰泽是商界巨头李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)旗舰企业的子公司。丰泽解释说“很快”卖完了iPad2存货。

9.One American businessman in Beijing, Christopher Reynolds, said a group of Chinese artists told him to invest in Hainan real estate.一位住在北京的美国商人reynolds说一群中国艺术家还告诉他要去投资海南地产。

10.He maintains that he was not aware of any wrongdoing, but did not let this apparent laxity stop him from running as a can-do businessman.他声称没意识到自己做过什么不法行为,但做为意志力坚强的商人他没有让这个明显的污点阻止他参加竞选。