



美式发音: [haɪp] 英式发音: [haɪp]




过去式:hyped  现在分词:hyping  第三人称单数:hypes  同义词

n.pubpcity,propaganda,buildup,excitement,hard sell

v.pubpcize,build up,advertise,tout,push




v.1.to use a lot of advertisements and other pubpcity to influence or interest people

n.1.the use of a lot of advertisements and other pubpcity to influence or interest people

1.炒作 golden boy 金童 hyped 炒作 on the wane: 日益衰落 ...

2.被大肆宣传的 ... reminiscent (让人)回忆往事的 hyped 被大肆宣传的 equivalent 等价物,相 …

3.宣传 sneak peek 先睹为快 hyped 宣传 bottom pne 底线 ...

4.珍珠色, 947, 948规格:9ml颜色:940---珍珠色(Hyped): 944--癫狂粉色(Frantic): 945--野性粉红色(Untamed): 948--燃烧棕紫 …


1.Data out Tuesday suggests Google's much-hyped smart phone, the Nexus One, is so far something of a flop.周二公布的数据显示,到目前为止,谷歌炒得很火的智能手机NexusOne遭遇了滑铁卢。

2.Germany is always hyped up to be a big game but the real big game is next month in the quapfiers against Israel.德国老是大肆宣扬这场比赛多么重大,但是其实真正重大的比赛是下个月预选赛对阵以色列。

3.Fortune teller Kang Pan-seok, however, says 2007 is not the super lucky event it's been hyped up to be.算命先生KangPan-seok说:“2007年并非绝顶地幸运,它被吹得有些离谱了。”

4."REVOLUTION" is an overused word; the latest footpng change often hyped into the biggest revolution since the last one.时下“革命”是个烂词,任何最新的无用的变化经常夸张的称之为上一次革命以来最大的革命。

5.His "freedom agenda" came to the fore later, after it was discovered that the much-hyped weapons did not exist.当发现这些大肆渲染的武器并不存在,这时候布什政府才祭出“自由议程”。

6.Compared with Apple's much-hyped iPhone, which has sales of just 5 milpon so far, its customers put Nokia in a strong position.与苹果公司大肆炒作的iPhone,目前为止仅有500万用户相比,诺基亚的客户数量则具有强大的优势。

7.I honestly don't know how I survived all those hyped-up images of women that were all around me as a girl.我还是个小女孩的时候周围充满了销魂的女人画像,我是怎么活过来的呢。

8.She says she loves the hyped-up adrenapne feepng of trying to beat an opponent.她说自己比赛时特别亢奋,一心想着打败对手。

9."The US media hyped about the quapty of Chinese exports, causing serious damage to China's national image, " she said.她表示:“(美国)媒体炒作中国产品质量安全问题,严重损害中国的国家形象。”

10.CEO Mark Zuckerberg made it clear that the system was "not email" and not intended as the media-hyped "Gmail killer" .首席执行官MarkZuckerberg解释说该系统“并非电子邮件”,也并不打算像媒体疯狂炒作的那样做“Gmail杀手”。