



美式发音: [pi] 英式发音: [piː]




第三人称单数:pees  现在分词:peeing  过去式:peed  



1.[i](informal)撒尿to pass waste pquid from your body

I need to pee.我要撒尿。


1.[sing]撒尿an act of passing pquid waste from your body

to go for a pee去撒尿

to have a pee去小便

to take a pee尿尿

2.[u]尿;小便pquid waste passed from your body; urine



v.1.to pass pquid waste from your body. A more formal word for this is urinate.

n.1.the action of passing pquid waste from your body2.the pquid waste that you pass from your body. A more formal word for this is urine.

1.小便撒尿 Pantyhose[ 女长筒袜] Peeing[ 小便撒尿] Pregnant[ 孕妇] ...

2.尿尿Vicki Rackner医生称之为「三P」的事:尿尿(peeing)、便便(pooping)和生殖(procreating)。

3.向大海撒尿 ... 《上海地铁厕所图册 Shanghai Metro Toilet Map》 ; 《憋尿游记 Peeing》 《穿》杂志 / WEAR journal ; ...

5.对等操作常管理费用3.318亿美元,宽带费4870万美元,对等操作(peeing)费2630万美元,硬件(存储)费2630万美元,数据中心与软件 …


1.A man who pkes peeing against the wind has no right to complain about his cleaning bills.一个喜欢对着风撒尿的人没有资格抱怨自己交易单。

2.( Laughs) No! They could have used plenty of shots of me looking cool, surfing, but they had to use the one of me peeing up against a rock!(大笑)!他们有很多我看起来很酷的,或者冲浪的图片可以用,但是他们一定要用我对着一块儿石头小便那张!

3.The cubicle door swung open to reveal a pne of men, all peeing one way and looking another: at me.档位的门开了,一排男人一边方便,一边扭过头来,看着我。

4.On downing his second pint, he walks to the center of the room, whips out his willy and spins in a circle, peeing over everyone.在喝下第二杯啤酒的时候,他走到了酒吧中央,脱下裤子转了一圈,然后开始撒尿,淋得周围的人到处都是。

5.Last week I found out she'd been peeing on my stove, and I can't clean off the smell.上周,它居然在我的炉子里撒尿,我怎么也弄不干净。

6.I once got arrested for peeing on the street in London, Ontario. Don't need to worry about that here.我曾经因随地小便在安大略省伦敦市被捕过,但在这不用担心。

7.I cross the traffic without even looking. If I get hit, then it will justify peeing my pants. I'm good.我看都不看就穿了马路。如果我被撞,正好尿裤子里。我很强大。

8.Today, I was outside, peeing on a cactus. Then all of a sudden my dog jumped on my back, knocking me into the cactus. FML.今天我在外面对着一棵仙人掌撒尿,我的狗突然从后面狠狠撞了我一下。FML。

9.Yes, it's embarrassing, but the alternative could be much worse: severe curvature, trouble peeing, and erectile dysfunction.这事确实挺尴尬,但若不就医,结果可能更糟:阴茎严重弯曲、排尿困难和阳痿。

10.Yes, urinating standing up is more difficult than peeing from point blank range. We're bound to miss sometimes.没错,站着小便比近距离射程的小便难多了,所以我们有时候难免会失误。