




1.但是 ... Oh,my god come here 噢,上帝,过来 But instead,uh 但是,事与愿违 He is a mess 他 …

2.而是 ... 单方面的吃亏,( unilateral accommodation) 而是but instead) 导致互惠。( involved mutual ben…

3.代替 ... they were discriminated against( 被歧视). But instead( 代替) he played( 玩,扮演, 播放 ) ...

4.然而恰恰相反的是 ... 寻找我的冒险之旅 To find adventure 然而恰恰相反的是 But instead 冒险反而降临到我身边 Adventure found me…

5.但相反地 ... With my head 连接到我的脑袋 But instead 但相反地 I fall back 我又回过头 ...


1.Robert had a great desire to turn away from her but instead he took her and led her towards the house . . .罗伯特非常想避开她,但他没那样做,而是带她走向屋子

2.By now, the girl knew she had misspelled the word. But instead of lying and telpng the judges she had said the correct letter.这时小女孩已经知道自己拼错了这个词。但她说了真话——她说的是错误的字母。

3."But instead he seems to have photographed yet another different species" of snailfish, among other finds.Priede说,“但在他的发现中,他似乎拍到了另一种不同的狮子鱼。”

4.I then begged the brother to lend me one of Masters books, but instead he gave me an address and told me to get a copy myself.我求他把书借给我看,他告诉我一个地址,让我自己去找。

5.But instead of a static circle pke there was in the beginning, the circle that exists now is not spinning clockwise or counterclockwise .但是它不再像起初的那个静态的圆圈了,现在的圆圈既不顺时针转动也不逆时针转。

6.'Some of their directors (in the West) weren't elected by shareholders but instead by the management, ' he said.苗耕书说,西方企业的一些董事不是由股东选出来的,而是由管理层选出来的。

7.These giant curvaceous shapes looks as if been carved out by water. But instead, they've been sculpt by a different fluid motion, the wind.巨大的曲线形状彷佛由水雕刻而成。其实,雕刻师是另一种液体运动,风。

8.The television tease did not mention the woman's confession, but instead promised to answer the viewer's questions about her role.电视的引子没有提到这名女子的自供,但向观众承诺,会为他们提供她承担什么角色的答案。

9.But instead, surprisingly, he said, "Oh, bring her down here for a year, and if I can't win her over, no one can. "但出乎意料的是,他说:“哦,让她在这里工作一年,如果我不能令她信服,别人也不能。”

10.I imagined Mr. Tanaka would go back to his work after Sugi had left; but instead he stood near the table a long while looking at me.我以为杉走后田中先生会马上回去做他自己的事,但他并没有走,而是站在桌子边上看了我好一会儿。