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n.1.[Travel]a town of Penang in Malaysia

1.北海北海BUTTERWORTH)这座大陆城镇是前往槟城岛的出发地。北海-槟城渡轮码头(EM0.60;5:30am~12:30pm;每20分 …

2.巴特沃斯同问巴特沃斯(Butterworth)滤波器切比雪夫(Chebyshev)滤波器椭圆(Elppse)滤波器贝塞尔(Besse1)滤波器特点 网友采纳 2008-1…

3.巴特沃思  巴特沃思(Butterworth) 滤波器转移函数为:图 频域滤波特性 其中D0 为截至频率,阶数n 控制曲线的形状.

4.巴特沃兹巴特沃兹Butterworth)逼近又叫最平响应逼近,因为用这种方法设计出来的滤波器(巴特沃兹滤波器)再通带和阻带内都具 …

5.巴特沃斯滤波器巴特沃斯滤波器(Butterworth): 最大平坦度滤波器,在通带内有平坦的幅度和一致的群延时,带阻频率滚降率一般。 贝塞尔滤 …

6.巴特沃兹滤波器巴特沃兹滤波器 (Butterworth) 特点:具有通带内最大平坦的振幅特性,且随 f↗单调↘ 其幅度平方函数具有如下形式: 式中,N …

7.巴特渥斯在一阵如连珠炮般的喊价声中,巴特渥斯(Butterworth)那幅七寸乘十二寸大小,上面画著两艘在怒海中航行单桅帆船的“击败英 …

8.巴特威士通常这就好比巴特威士(Butterworth)、贝塞尔(Bessel)、或是某些柴比雪夫(Chebyshev)等类型典型响应其中之一。虽然这些响 …


1.Butterworth, spiritual teacher and author, states "Our jobs not to set things right but to see them right. "心灵教师及作家巴特沃思,说“我们的工作不是把纠正事物,而是正确看待他们”。

2.Mr. Butterworth described a recent day when a sailor who had never been on the boat came along.巴特沃斯描述道,最近有一天,一位从未上过船的水手也一同出航。

3.Alarms or no, Mr. Butterworth, Apnghi's skipper, said the crew had become accustomed to what it could and could not do.要还是不要警报系统?阿林吉号船长巴特沃斯说,船员已经谙熟船的性能。

4.The Guardian has already printed it 61 times this year, according to Butterworth, though not on the front page and nearly always in a quote.根据巴特沃思,即使不是出现在首页和几乎经常在一个摘引上,《卫报》今年已经打印了这个词语有61次。

5.Signal conditioning circuits was designed by LEM voltage and current sensors and a Butterworth low-pass filter. U.选用LEM的电压电流传感器和巴特沃斯低通滤波器设计出信号采集电路。

6.Butterworth told Psychiatric News that the next step is to focus on the psychosocial aspects of employment.巴特沃斯告诉《精神病学新闻》:下一步将会把重点放在工作的社会心理层面上。

7.Karen Butterworth, retail manager at the charity's Birkenhead outlet, said: "It's great for Liverpool FC and excellent for the Red Cross. "红十字会伯肯黑德处零售经理表示:“利物浦足球俱乐部非常棒,而这对红十字会来说也很受益。”

8.Butterworth low-pass filter combined with moving-average filter was designed to smooth the output of two gyros.采用了巴特沃斯低通滤波器和滑动平均滤波器相结合对采集的陀螺信号进行滤波;

9.NLB Gardner Denver Partek Butterworth ? Offered Customers the opportunity to convert their existing pump to Jetstream ?提供客户机会让他们可以把已有的泵?转换为Jetstream泵–

10.Dr Butterworth tells the story of Charles, a young man with pfelong mathematical difficulties.巴特沃斯博士讲述了一名从出生便有数学障碍的年轻人查尔斯的故事。