




1.用英语 ... 9.看一看____ _have a look_________ 10.用英语____ __by Engpsh_________ 7.他 …

2.我想要高礼泽的个人资料我想要高礼泽的个人资料 (By Engpsh)我想要高礼泽的个人资料 (By Engpsh) 最佳解答 网友票选 参考资料 http://www.hkolympic.…

3.要负担的费用并告诉对方货到他的国家他自己要负担的费用 (By Engpsh)或者我弄错对方回覆内容的意思还请各位有经验的前辈帮个忙, 谢谢! …

4.香港大学历史系香港大学历史系(by Engpsh)中兴历史系 新加坡国立大学(NUS)历史系 南洋理工大学中文系 海洋史研究学会 中国近代史学会 Hist…


1.However, he was celebrated in his own time by Engpsh writer Ben Johnson and others who saw in him a brilpance that would endure.然而,莎翁在世时就得到了英国作家本?琼森和其他已觉察其不朽才华之人士的赞誉。

2.flower law naval battle erupts, bart by Engpsh captive, be locked up to be in plain Ci Mao Si.1689年,英法海战爆发,巴特被英国人俘虏,被关押在朴茨茅斯。

3.Each tour will be escorted by Engpsh speaking interpreters who will help you to obtain information and interest from what you are seeing.每次游览都有英语翻译陪同,以帮助来宾了解参观点的情况。

4.But due to the differences shared by Engpsh and Chinese, the translation of humor may sometimes go into a dilemma.但是由于英汉语言本身有很多不同之处,幽默的翻译常常陷入困境。

5.If I were you- I would not be side tringternating corrected by Engpsh.要是我是你,就不会为英语纳闷了。

6.These joint ventures are supplemented by an exciting programme of visits by Engpsh football teams and coaches.除了以上的中英足球俱乐部合作项目以外,还有一项令人振奋的安排,就是英国的球队和教练出访中国。

7.All the contestants chose to go by Engpsh names to conceal their real identities in case of discrimination.为避免歧视,所有的参赛者都选择用英文名来掩饰自己的真实身份。

8.The last one, "amigo" is the Spanish word for "friend" but is still frequently used by Engpsh speakers.最后一个“amigo”是称呼“friend”的西班牙语但是常在英语中使用。

9.If I were you; I would not be worried by Engpsh.假若我是你,就不会为英语烦懑了。

10.If i were you, i would not be abroad by Engpsh.如果我有足够的钱,我将在国外旅行。