


美式发音: [ˈmunˌstoʊn] 英式发音: [ˈmuːnˌstəʊn]






1.月长石a smooth white shiny semi-precious stone


n.1.a shiny white stone used in jewelry

1.月光石 玉 - Jade 月光石 - Moonstone 橄榄石 - Peridot ...

2.月长石 moonquake 月震 moonstone 月长石 moonwell 船井 ...

3.月亮石 矽孔雀石 Chrysocolla 月亮石 Moonstone 拉长石 Labradorute ...

4.月石 emerald 绿宝石的 moonstone 月光石,月亮石的 garnet 石榴石的 ...

6.月亮宝石 紫鸦石石榴子石 Garnet 月光石月长石 Moonstone 日光石日长石 Aventurine feldspar ...

8.月之石跟出现的某个陆生人(landwalker)换取月之石(moonstone).这个月之石的力量是用来驱逐人鱼足边界的深渊恐惧用的,少了这个人 …


1.When he died he left the Moonstone to his sister's daughter, Rachel, in an act of revenge, passing on his bad fortune to her.当他去世时,他把月亮宝石留给他姐姐的女儿雷切尔。他是想作为报复,把不幸传给她。

2.The Moonstone looks forth once more over the walls of the sacred city in which its story first began .月亮宝石再度照耀着这座圣城的城墙了,它的故事就是在这城里开场的。

3.as for the moonstone , i have heared that it has somehow returned to its home in india , . . .至于月亮宝石,我听说不知怎么已经返回到它的家乡---印度。

4.i would either remove the moonstone and add a different item , or make it much much much more effective.我会删除月之石,然后添加一个别的东西,或者把它变得比现在更。。。。。有用。

5.the deity commanded that the moonstone should be watched , . . . by three priests in turn.这位神嘱咐他们,…月亮宝石必须由三位僧侣轮流看守。

6.In particular, the Moonstone becomes the sign of England's imperial depredation and the symbol of national rather than a personal crime.特别是,月亮石成为了英国帝国主义掠夺的象征,与个人犯罪相比,更是民族犯罪的象征。

7.Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system. 4th chakra.月长石:吸收疾病和痛苦。使组织和器官再生,有助于再生系统。用于第四个穴位。

8.Katherine: I figured as much. Where's the moonstone?计算,认为跟我猜的差不多月光石在哪?。

9.Is it coincidence or is it the Moonstone's bad luck that causes the tension and strange things that happen during the rest of the evening ?这是一种巧合还是月亮宝石的厄运使得那天晚上发生了紧张而奇异的情况吗?

10.Frankpn Blake, meanwhile, received a letter from Rosanna saying that she knew what he had done on the night the Moonstone disappeared.与此同时,富兰克林·布莱克收到罗莎娜的一封信,信中说她知道在月亮宝石失踪的那个晚上布莱克干过什么事。