






3.又是一年【转贴】再见傅聪,又是一年by Power)1 # 发表于 2011-11-28 11:16 | 只看该作者 | 倒序看帖 | 打印 3 # 发表于 2011-11-28 …


1."Whereas the PRI is driven by power, the PAN tends to be driven by ideology, " says Luis Rubio, the head of CIDAC, a think-tank.智库机构CIDAC负责人路易斯•卢比奥说:“PRI是以权力为动力的,而PAN则倾向于受思想意识推动。”

2.He could have been a great man, but hew as corrupted by power.他本来是可以有很大作为的,但因权欲熏心而堕落了。

3.As the target function of the optimization model, the system entire efficacy was calculated by power index and fuzzy weight methods.采用幂指数法结合模糊权重评价法计算系统总体效能,并以此作为优化的目标函数。

4.Special equipment assures that the computers will not be disturbed by power interruptions that last less than two hours.特种设备确保计算机就不会被打断,力量持续不到两个小时。

5.(music; of a singer or singing voice) marked by power and expressiveness and a histrionic or theatrical style.(音乐;关于歌手或歌声)具有力量、表现力、戏剧性、戏剧风格特征的。

6.You can tell them that I am not so easy to be murdered by power because I will not commit suicide.你们可以告诉他们,要用权力杀我不是那么容易的,因为我不会自杀。

7.Of course , by power what I mean here is not the power that corrupts but one that changes the world and makes a positive contribution .当然,我这里所说的权力并不是令人腐化的那种,而是那种改变世界、做出积极贡献的那种权力。

8.This method can be used in measuring the harmonic power which is made by power system and customers at the point of common couppng.全波计量方法能够分辨谐波源,用于在供电系统的公共联结点处分别计量供电网络和用户负荷各自产生的谐波电能。

9.He conveys a sense of a man made whole by power, yet hollowed out by it too.他演绎出了一个权倾天下,也被权利吞噬了掉一切的男人。

10.Raptors (birds of prey) are especially pkely to be killed by power pnes, particularly in the western U. S.猛禽(捕猎的鸟)尤其容易被电线打死,这显著地发生在美国西部。