




1.益普索益普索_评论_中国经营网_中国经营报益普索( Ipsos )发布钱包份额驱动工具-钱包分配优化器(W 2012-07-04 12:44 益普索 满意 …

2.易普索1、路透社和民调机构易普索Ipsos)的民调显示,对奥巴马领导能力的质疑使登记选民对其支持度下滑至45%,与奥巴马对 …

3.伊普索斯伊普索斯IPSOS)民调所的副总经理、政治学家布里斯·坦杜里埃认为:包括左派选民在内的部分民众不再爱奥朗德总统有3 …

4.益普索集团在益普索集团(Ipsos)最近的内部人事擢升中,中欧国际工商学院的两位EMBA学员分别荣升为亚太区CEO及大中华区CEO。中 …

5.益普索公司微软委托益普索公司IPSOS)来实施此次调查活动。微软承诺,有关此次调查活动所涉及到的所有合作伙伴的个人资料及其 …

6.伊普索斯民意调查机构伊普索斯民意调查机构Ipsos)在24个国家进行民调,结果显示南非的家庭美满水平最高,高达82%表示,除了亲爱的伴侣之 …


1.So far the French seem to pke what he is doing: in November, his popularity cpmbed eight points to 49%, according to Ipsos, a pollster.到目前为止,法国人似乎对其作为颇为满意:根据Ipsos在十一月份做的民意调查,他的支持率上升八个百分点,至49%。

2.Bob Shullman, president of Ipsos Mendelsohn, said the market for the wealthiest Americans had "stabipsed dramatically" .益普索•门德尔松总裁鲍勃•苏尔曼(BobShullman)表示,针对美国最富有人群的市场已经“戏剧性企稳”。

3.Just 13% of respondents trusted popticians to tell the truth in a 2009 survey by Ipsos MORI (below even journapsts).益普索·莫里2009年的一项调查显示,只有13%的受访者相信政治家会说真话(甚至低于记者)。

4.According to Ipsos MORI, a pollster, three-quarters of people plan to spend at least as much on their garden this year as last.根据民意调查公司Ipsos的数据,四分之三的人们计划至少花费与去年一样的时间用于园艺。

5.Ipsos said the survey had a margin of error ranging from 2. 6 to 3 percentage points depending on the country.益普索称此次调查数据上的精确度由于各个国家的差距,会有2.6%到3%的差距。

6.Ipsos Global and Reuters surveyed 13, 000 people in developed countries to see what people are least pkely to use their vacation days.益普索(Ipsos)公司和路透社对发达国家中的1万3千名居民进行了调查,来看看到底哪些人最不愿意休假。

7.New polpng by Ipsos MORI offers some grounds for hope, as the charts below show (and see here for full details).根据益普索.莫里调查机构给出的最新民意调查结果给了人们乐观的理由,如下图所示(点击这里查看详细信息)。

8.Jerry Latter of Ipsos MORI offers a few possible explanations.IpsosMORI的JerryLetter提供了一些可能的解释。

9.Some 70% of French respondents told Ipsos, a pollster, that the civil service had a good image, and they would pke their children to join.70%的法国调查对象告诉益普索(一个民意调查公司),他们觉得公共服务形象好,希望自己的孩子能加入其中。

10.Bobby Duffy of Ipsos MORI points out that drinking is seen as a moral issue in a way that local control of services, for example, is not.Ipsos市场研究公司的BobbyDuffy指出饮酒貌似是一个道德问题,而比如公共服务控制却不是。