


美式发音: ['baɪkætʃ] 英式发音: ['baɪkætʃ]






1.误捕的鱼(捕捞其他种类的鱼时意外捕获)fish that are caught by ships by accident when other types of fish are being caught

Thousands of small fish are thrown back into the sea as bycatch.成千上万误捕的鱼扔回大海中去了。

n.1.the part of a fishing vessel's catch that consists of fish and other ocean pfe forms that it was not targeting and cannot use. The by-catch is usually discarded at sea.2.fish that are caught unintentionally in addition to the required species

1.混获vironment-friendly)渔法 (一)混获(Bycatch)与防止混获之方法 (二)幽灵渔(Ghost fishing)与防止幽灵渔之方法 (三)资源永续利用 …

2.副渔获物 ... 副业 part time business;hobby;sidepne 副渔获物 bycatch 副院长 deputy chair of board ...


5.渔业混获方式,长达二三百公里的延绳钓渔船,会造成非常严重的混捕bycatch),使每年数以万计的鲨鱼、海龟、海豚和海鸟因为 …


1.Bycatch must not be discarded. Instead it must be landed and recorded as part of that boat's quota.副捕获物不允许丢弃,相反它必须上岸卸载并做为这艘船的配额的一部分被记录。

2.So he had a handful of shrimp, maybe seven or eight shrimp, and all those other animals on the deck of the boat are bycatch.那么,他收获几只虾,也许七只或者八只虾,而甲板上所有其他的动物都是误捕的。

3.How much bycatch in this population is too much?混获品的数量达到多少才算是太多呢?

4.Ultimately, she said, the goal is to reduce bycatch, in order to make sure that there's fish to catch in the future.她说研究的最终目的是减少混获,确保将来有鱼可捕。

5.Subject to certain conditions, quotas can be traded among boats. Bycatch must not be discarded.按照一些条款,配额可以在渔船之间交易。

6.Bycatch refers to the turtles, sharks and other animals that fishing fleets do not seek but catch accidentally.混获指被意外捕获的海龟、鲨鱼和其他动物,牠们并不是捕鱼船的目标。

7.Rebecca Lewison: Bycatch of these large marine organisms is just another indicator that we are fishing unsustainably.丽贝卡·刘易森:大型海洋生物混获只能再一次说明人们在以不可持续的方式捕鱼。

8.Bycatch is a major consequence of nearly all fisheries, though some gears are more selective than others.意外捕捞是渔业的几乎所有主要的后果,虽然有些齿轮比其他人更具有选择性。

9."Small-scale fisheries are woefully underreported for bycatch, " he notes, especially in the eastern Indian Ocean and off West Africa.他说,“可悲的是,小规模捕捞渔业会少报附带捕捞数字。”尤其在印度洋东部海域和西非海域。

10.In fact bycatch reduction is a major requirement of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act.事实上减少兼捕是马格努森渔业养护和管理的主要要求法。