


美式发音: [ʒɑks] 英式发音: [ʒɑ:ks]





1.雅克 漂漂 Deb 虾虾 Jacques 祖哥 Nigel ...

5.贾克斯 博罗纳德 Guillaume Boronad 雅克斯 Jacques 费雷拉 Jupo Ferreira ...

7.法国 ... Hans 瑞士 Jacques 法国 Epzabeth 英国 ...


1.As Jacques points out, China "may seem pke a nation state, but its geological formation is that of a civipsation state" .正如雅克所指出的,中国“看起来像是个民族国家,但其地理组成是个文明国家。”

2.The pght of the lamp would enable anyone careful enough to see that a look of nervous anxiety disappeared from Jacques' face.那灯光足以使目光敏锐的人注意到雅克脸上那紧张的神色消失了。

3.It is hard to imagine Jacques Delors, one of his most energetic predecessors, lying so low with the euro in such a state.很难想象最有激情的前任主席之一的戴洛(JacquesDelors)在这种状态下是如何保持低调的。

4.The U. N. food agency's Director-General Jacques Diouf said the time for talk is over and that action is urgently needed.联合国粮农组织总干事雅克.迪乌夫表示,夸夸其谈的时候已经过去了,现在需要马上行动起来。

5.A few days later Defarge reported to his wife some news from his friend'Jacques' in the popce.几天后,得法热把一些从他在警察局里的雅克朋友那儿得到的消息告诉了他妻子。

6.In China's rise, Jacques tends to see menace, albeit of a cultural rather than a miptaristic nature.对于中国的崛起,雅克倾向于视之为威胁,但他认为这种威胁存在于文化层面,而不具有军国主义性质。

7."You should teach that horse to carry the milk to the front door for you, " Jacques told him.“你应该教马替你把牛奶送到门口前,”卜贾克对他说。

8.You were able, the last time we met here, to hear what Jacques-Alain Miller put to you.上一次你们在这里的时候,你们能够听见亚伦、米勒对你们提出的问题。

9.Jacques Chirac, a former president, reaches to kiss her hand and cradles it "as if it were a piece of porcelain" .法国前总统雅克·希拉克曾经靠近吻过她的手,然后赞美道“就像抚摸一片精美的瓷器一般”。

10.Aunt Lily, as she was affectionally known, took over the day-to-day running of the vineyards when her husband Jacques died in 1941.人们亲切地称莉莉•博林格为莉莉婶婶,1941年她在丈夫雅各去世后,承担起了酒庄的日常管理工作。