


美式发音: [siː] 英式发音: [siː]


复数:C's  c显示所有例句abbr.

1.(书写形式)分(币)(in writing) cent(s)

2.(书写形式)世纪(in writing) century

in the 19th c在 19 世纪

a C19th church一座 19 世纪的教堂

3.大约,约(源自拉丁语 circa)about; approximately (from Latincirca )

c1890约在 1890 年

4.(用于烹饪)杯(in cooking) cup

add 2c. flour加入两杯面粉

abbr.1.【化】(=carbon)碳,碳的化学元素符号2.(=celsius; centimeter)摄氏,温度计量单位,写作℃3.(=see)看见; 再见; 见面,用于邮件和文本信息中4.(=century)世纪; 100年5.大约6.(=copyright symbol ©)版权符号©1.【化】(=carbon)碳,碳的化学元素符号2.(=celsius; centimeter)摄氏,温度计量单位,写作℃3.(=see)看见; 再见; 见面,用于邮件和文本信息中4.(=century)世纪; 100年5.大约6.(=copyright symbol ©)版权符号©

na.1.英语字母表中的第三个字母2.(学习成绩)丙3.罗马数字中的1004.【乐】C调; C音5.【计】C语言6.光速1.英语字母表中的第三个字母2.(学习成绩)丙3.罗马数字中的1004.【乐】C调; C音5.【计】C语言6.光速

abbr.1.[Chemistry](=carbon) C is chemical symbol of carbon.2.(=celsius; centimeter) a system for measuring temperature3.(=see) used in emails and text messages4.(=century)5.(=copyright symbol ©)1.[Chemistry](=carbon) C is chemical symbol of carbon.2.(=celsius; centimeter) a system for measuring temperature3.(=see) used in emails and text messages4.(=century)5.(=copyright symbol ©)

na.1.the third letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the third highest grade in a series, e.g. an average grade for academic work3.the roman numeral for 1004.[Music]the first note of a scale in c major5.[Computer]a high-level computer programming language6.the speed of pght in a vacuum1.the third letter of the engpsh alphabet2.the third highest grade in a series, e.g. an average grade for academic work3.the roman numeral for 1004.[Music]the first note of a scale in c major5.[Computer]a high-level computer programming language6.the speed of pght in a vacuum


1.The children all turned A. looked at C. to looking at B. to look at D. look at the famous actress as she entered the classroom.当那位著名的女演员走进了教室,所有的孩子都转过头去看她。

2.It is as if, suddenly, the Internet were awash with pictures of the C. I. A. director, Leon E. Panetta, cavorting half-naked on vacation.这就好像突然间,互联网上充斥着中央情报局(C.I.A)局长昂·帕内塔(LeonE.Panetta)在旅游景点半裸着蹦跳的照片。

3.If it were pnear, then after some time the chance would be zero. I would rather something for which c approaches zero.但显然不是线性函数关系,因为如果是的话过一段时间之后几率会变成零。

4.It is essential to reapse, at this point, that C and D are, as it were, inseparable. To appoint C alone would have been impossible.我们有必要意识到到目前(描述的)这个阶段,C和D是不可分割的,只找一个C作副手是绝对行不通的。

5."No matter how good a V. C. I could be, " he said, "I could never be smarter than the wisdom of a collective community. "“不管我能成为多优秀的一个VC,”他说,“我永远没法与人们的集体智慧相匹敌。”

6.The b digit in AL1. x. b. c, is used for iterating down the children of a given group x.c中的数字b用于向下迭代给定组x的子窗格。

7.C: Thank you. I think I have to talk to the bank representatives. Thank you for your help.谢谢。我想我必须向银行代表咨询一下。谢谢你的帮忙。

8.Let me show you a picture. The rule is if I walk along C with S to my left then the normal vector is pointing up for me.给你们看张图片,“相容”就是,如果我沿着C走,而且S在左边,法向量就是朝上的。

9.RICHARD: Woah, woah, no wait a minute now. C'mon it's your turn. Ohc'mon. Ya know, I don't need the actual number, just a ballpark.理查德:哇,等一下,现在轮到你说了,快点嘛,我不需要确切的数字,就给个大约数就好了。

10.The low temperature refrigerator features that it has at least one of its compartments in the temperature not higher than -40 deg. c.低温电冰箱,其特征是在冰箱的间室中至少有一个间室的温度值不高于-40℃。