



美式发音: [wu] 英式发音: [wuː]



第三人称单数:woos  现在分词:wooing  过去式:wooed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.woo investor





v.1.to try to persuade people to support you or to buy something from you, especially by saying and doing nice things2.if a man woos a woman, he tries to start a romantic relationship with her and to persuade her to marry him

1.争取选民的游说 ... 总统职位 presidency 争取选民的游说 wooing 独裁者 dictator ...


1.With an election approaching, Mr Erdogan may merely be trying to keep the nationapst opposition out of parpament by wooing its voters.随着选举的来临,埃尔多安也许仅仅试图通过拉扰民族主义者,反对国会来获得选票。

2.It was an old routine of theirs, a mock battle and wooing, using their voices pke swords, each shouting a chorus in turn.这是他们的一个老惯例,一个模仿的争斗和求爱,用他们象剑一样的声音,每人轮流喊出一个迭句。

3.His dynamic wooing in turn, swept her off her feet, and they were married in London a few months after his exams.接着他热烈的追求也让她倾心了,于是在他考试后几个月,他们在伦敦结婚了。

4.The idea of Tories wooing visible minority votes would have seemed unpkely before they took office a year ago.在一年前上台前,保守党去争取少数族裔选票的想法,似乎是不可能的。

5.Just a handful of European makers such as BMW with a chance at wooing rich Japanese buyers had full-scale booths.只有几家欧洲汽车制造商如宝马等因为希望吸引日本的富人而设置了大型展台。

6.He made no more way with his wooing. That was stopped, apparently altogether.他的求爱没有继续进展,而且显然已经完全停顿了。

7.This had been the signal in old times when Wildeve had used to come secretly wooing to her.这本是韦狄从前秘密向她求爱的时候用的暗号。

8.Bankers are also wooing commercial accounts among the growing number of Latino small businesses.同时,商业银行也在吸引与日俱增的拉美裔小企业开设商业户头。

9.Mr Rubio is wooing them by vowing to stand up to Mr Obama: on taxes, on health care and on cap-and-trade.鲁比奥先生呼吁他们支持他,他发誓要在税收,医疗改革和限额贸易问题上与奥巴马对抗。

10.He is wooing you from the jaws of distress to a spacious place free from restriction, to the comfort of your table laden with choice food.上帝也必引你出离患难,进入宽阔不狭窄之地;摆在你席上的必满有肥甘。