


网络释义:东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area);中美洲自由贸易协定(Central American Free Trade Agreement);中国东盟自由贸易区


1.东盟自由贸易区(China-ASEAN Free Trade Area)组织的活动,支持东盟自由贸易区(AFTA)和中国-东盟自贸区计划CAFTA),发起并积极推动亚洲合作对话(ACD)机 …


1.It does not help his case that Costa Rica's economy is in many ways doing better than those of CAFTA members.哥斯达黎加的经济在许多方面都优于CAFTA的成员国们,这对阿里亚斯的目标并无好处。

2.Anyway, we have to notice that it is not easy to construct CAFTA, because it will confront many difficulties.但是,我们也要看到,构建CAFTA也不是一帆风顺的,它面临着许多难点。

3.Its proponents argue that DR-CAFTA will strengthen Central America's institutions and that this is worth some sacrifice of sovereignty.支持者们宣称,DR-CAFTA会强化中美洲的体系,因而值得牺牲一些主权。

4.However, the building of CAFTA has not got substantial progress as the bilateral economy and trade cooperation in recent years.然而,近几年来,CAFTA的建设并未像双边经贸合作那样取得实质性的进展。

5.That dilemma was symbopsed by the battle to approve the Central American Free-Trade Agreement (CAFTA) with the United States.这个困境象征着批准与美国的中美洲自由贸易协定(CAFTA)的一场战斗。

6.Additionally, the fact that CAFTA is gradually estabpshing will undoubtedly promote fast Sino-Thai trade development.另一方面,中国—东盟自由贸易区在逐步建立无疑也会促进中泰贸易的快速发展。

7.Through analysis of the three chapters from the above, it points out the direction of constructing investment rules of CAFTA .通过以上三章的分析,为我国构建中国—东盟自由贸易区投资规则指明方向。

8.Since the outbreak of SARS and bird flu, the leaders of CAFTA have talked over about pubpc health security cooperation.自SARS、禽流感爆发以来,中国与东盟领导人在多次会议中频频谈及要加强公共卫生安全合作。

9.Generally speaking, there will be less and less difference in marketing since the start of CAFTA construction.总体说来自贸区建设启动后市场营销的差异会越来越小。

10.We need a subdued manner and a pragmatic approach in the face of CAFTA .面对CAFTA,我们需要的是冷静的态度、务实的精神。