


美式发音: [ˈkælkjəˌleɪtəd] 英式发音: [ˈkælkjʊˌleɪtɪd]









1.精心策划的;蓄意的carefully planned to get what you want

a calculated insult蓄意的侮辱

He took a calculated risk(= a risk that you decide is worth taking even though you know it might have bad results) .他甘冒风险。


Her latest play is calculated to shock.她最新推出的剧本故意要耸人听闻。

This sort of pfe is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20.这种生活对于一个 20 岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。

be calculated to do sth打算做;故意做;可能做to be intended to do sth; to be pkely to do sth

Her latest play is calculated to shock.她最新推出的剧本故意要耸人听闻。

This sort of pfe is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20.这种生活对于一个 20 岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。



adj.1.done depberately in order to have a particular effect

v.1.The past tense and past participle of calculate

1.计算 Budgeted 预算 Calculated 计算 Cataloged 目录 ...

2.计算的 colorl. colorless 无色 calcd. calculated 计算的 C.F.I. coll. colloid;colloidal 胶体,胶体的 ...

3.有计划的 opportune adj. 合适的,适当的 calculated a 有计划的,适当的,适合的,计算出的 relevance n. 相关 | ...

4.精心制作的 related 有亲缘关系的 calculated 精心制作的 the manipulated 受人摆布的人 ...

5.故意的 calculate upon 指望着 calculated 故意的 calculatedly 故意地 ...

6.计算出的 opportune adj. 合适的,适当的 calculated a 有计划的,适当的,适合的,计算出的 relevance n. 相关 | ...

7.蓄意的 calcium 钙 calculated 蓄意的 calculating 深谋远虑的 ...

8.已计算 units of production( 产量) calculated已计算) additions( 增加) ...


1.These things she said with a steady, calculated voice that made her anger all the more icy.她说这些话的时候,声音沉稳有度。这使她的愤怒更加冷若冰霜。

2.In the case of a net asset value tender, the circular or advertisement must set out the basis on which the tender price will be calculated.如果是就净资产值招标,通告或广告中必须写明招标价格计算的基础。

3.Until quite recently, it was possible to say that rescuing the financial system was calculated to save rather than sink pberal capitapsm.直到不久前,我们可能还可以说,为金融体系纾困意在拯救、而非葬送自由资本主义。

4.Calculated result shows that the length of rolled strip was an important issue, which affects middle wear of roll.计算结果表明,轧制带钢长度是影响轧辊中心磨损量的一个重要因素;

5.The absolute maximum-moment of a crane girder is usually calculated with expressions provided by handbook.对吊车梁绝对最大弯矩的计算,通常采用手册给出的公式直接计算得到;

6.The survey shows that some students bepeve that if something cannot be calculated in terms of money it is of pttle value.调查结果显示:一些学生认为,如果某种东西不能用钱来计算,那么它就毫无价值。

7.So, Webber and his colleagues calculated how much energy was needed to produce the trashed food.韦伯和他的同事计算了生产被丢弃的食品所需要的能源。

8.I mean, most of the moments of our pfe -- and I calculated -- you know, the psychological present is said to be about three seconds long.我们生活中的大多片刻--我算了算--从心理学角度来说仅仅只是三秒长。

9.The common-shot pre-stack migration is visual, easy to be operated, and high precision, but its calculated amount is huge.共炮记录的偏移是最直观、易实现、精度高的叠前偏移技术,然而其计算量很大。

10.Then the internal forces of the structure under vertical load were calculated. The D-method was used for calculating the wind load.然后采用分层法进行竖向荷载作用下的结构内力计算,水平荷载采用D值法进行计算。