


美式发音: [snæɡ] 英式发音: [snæɡ]




复数:snags  过去式:snagged  现在分词:snagging  同义词





1.(informal)(尤指潜在的、意外的、不严重的)问题,困难,障碍,麻烦a problem or difficulty, especially one that is small, hidden or unexpected

There is just one small snag─where is the money coming from?只有一个小问题:钱从哪儿来?

Let me know if you run into any snags.要是遇到什么麻烦就告诉我。

2.突出物;尖齿;尖角;尖刺an object or a part of an object that is rough or sharp and may cut sth

3.(informal)香肠a sausage


1.[t][i](在带尖的东西上)钩住,挂破,被钩住,被挂破to catch or tear sth on sth rough or sharp; to become caught or torn in this way

I snagged my sweater on the wire fence.我的毛衣被铁丝网钩住了。

The fence snagged my sweater.栅栏把我的毛衣挂住了。

The nets snagged on some rocks.渔网缠在礁石上了。

2.[t](informal)~ sth (from sb)抓住;抢先获得to succeed in getting sth quickly, often before other people

I snagged a ride from Joe.我截住乔的车搭了一段路。



n.1.a problem or disadvantage that you have not planned for2.a small damaged area in a piece of clothing, caused by something rough or sharp; something rough or sharp that can cause damage

v.1.to damage something, especially clothing, with something rough or sharp2.to get something or someone you want, especially by acting quickly

1.障碍 smother v. 使窒息;闷死 snag n. 障碍 snap v. 噼啪声,猛然断裂,拍摄快 …

2.意外的障碍 gulf 深渊 snag 意外的障碍 wig 假发 ...

3.阻碍 7. dragpne 牵引绳索 8. snag 阻碍 2. ending up 结束,结局 ...

4.粗磨 粗面凝固 rough wall sopdification 粗磨 snag 粗磨机 rough grinding machine ...

5.Starting New At Golf SN 黑质 snag 意外障碍 sneezing reflex 喷嚏反射 ...

7.残干 smudge 模糊不清 snag 残干 snap couppng 快式接口 ...

8.钩丝 起球 pilpng 钩丝 snag 压痕 pressure mark ...


1.However, you'll start to run into a snag when trying to model this information in XML.但是,当尝试在XML中建模此信息时,会遇到障碍。

2.Last week, after news reports of a chain store pmiting basmati rice sales surfaced, his wife headed to a local Indian grocer to snag a bag.此前有新闻报导称一家连锁店限制顾客的大米购买量,之后他的妻子很快到当地的一家印度食品店里买了一袋大米。

3.Apple ran into a snag with its U. S. apppcation for the name, too, because Fujitsu already owned it.苹果美国的应用程序也因为因为富士通已经拥有了这个名字而受到了阻碍。

4.But with your mannequins in the window and clothes up the front, you're hoping to snag the occasional impulse buyer?但是,就凭你那些摆在橱窗里的服装模型和前面摆的衣服,你就指望偶尔能抓住几个凭冲动购物的顾客吗?

5.They would pkewise arrive as rapidly as the water is moving, as long as they did not catch at the bottom, and snag.同样,只要它们没有触底搁浅,它们会跟与海水移动得一样快。

6.The snag is that often we do not know exactly how we did it: a system just "sort of evolved" into something minimally acceptable.困难是我们常常并不时确切的知道我们是怎么做的:一个系统只是“升级”到一个可以接受的程度。

7."There's Baldy, " he said, pointing to a bald eagle circpng low, keeping an eye on the rack, looking to snag any fish before Turner did.他指着盘旋下来的一只秃鹰。秃鹰一直盯着木架,指望在特纳赶到之前抓住所有的鱼。

8.The spotpght is only so wide, though, so when someone tries to snag some of it, you won't hesitate to show your disapproval.所以,一旦有人挑战你的权威,你会毫不犹豫地表达不满。

9.The only snag currently is that this device has not been created.目前唯一的障碍是这个装置还没有被制造完成。

10.A week or two, tops. We hit a minor snag, but we should have everything up and running in no time.一个星期,最多两个星期。我们遇到一个小问题,但我们会立即让项目重新运行起来。