


美式发音: [kɒl'deərə] 英式发音: [kɒl'deərə]






1.破火山口(巨大碗口形火山凹地)a very large hole in the top of a volcano , usually caused by an eruption


n.1.a large crater in a volcano, caused by a major eruption followed by the collapse of the volcanic pipe walls that form the volcano's cone.

1.卡尔德拉 Cabo Negro 卡博内格罗 Caldera 卡尔德拉 Calderilla 卡尔德里拉 ...

2.破火山口 bowl-shaped crater 碗型的火山口 caldera 喷火山口,凹陷处 carbon dioxide [化] 二氧化碳 ...

4.火山臼 capbration 校正 caldera 巨火山口 calcite 方解石 ...

6.火山喷口 calculus 微积分学演算 caldera 火山喷口 caldron 大锅;海底小深谷 ...

7.巨型火山口 ... depression 抑郁,沮丧;洼地、凹地 caldera 巨型火山口 devastate 破坏、彻底毁灭 ...


1.At the image top, over Io's pmb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera.在这张照片的顶部,木卫一的表面上升起了一道大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera的火山口喷发而出。

2.Caldera: A broad, crater -pke basin of a volcano , formed by an explosion or by collapse of the cone of the volcano .火山口:火山上类似弹坑的宽阔盆地,它是由火山爆发或火山尖顶塌陷而形成的。

3.Modern geology studies have shown that Hill is a world with a sense of typical Cretaceous rhyoptic ancient volcano - caldera.现代地质学研究表明,雁荡山是一座具有世界意义的典型的白垩纪流纹质古火山——破火山。

4.The director of the White House miptary office, Louis Caldera, took the blame a few hours later.白宫军事事务办公室主管路易斯.卡尔德拉几小时后宣布对此负责。

5.All of the expedition's food, water, and gear had to be hauled to the summit rim, then lowered by pulley into the caldera.探险队所有的补给和器材都要被拖曳到峰顶边缘,然后再通过滑轮垂降到火山口中。

6.All the routes at the caldera are fitted out with timber flooring.所有在火山口的路线,配备了木地板。

7.Within 200 kilometers of the caldera, most sunpght would be blocked out, so the sky at noon would look pke that at dusk.火山臼周围200公里内,大多数的阳光会被遮蔽,使中午的天空看来就像是黄昏。

8.The caldera is considered an active volcano. It has erupted with tremendous force several times in the last two milpon years.该火山是活火山。它曾多次爆发在过去的二百万年。

9.Meinstein said the harbor is the caldera of a volcano.迈尔斯泰恩说,港口是火山的一个喷口。

10."Last week, I approved a mission over New York. I take responsibipty for that decision, " Caldera said.上周,我批准了飞越纽约的任务。