




1.早稻田国一脉相系,欧美化装品,对东方来说存在明显的不足.早稻田化装品(Waseda)是*家在中国的日本独资工厂生产的产品,是拥有90 …


1.On the front arch of the Waseda Theater Museum carved a famous pne of Wilpam Shakespeare-All the world is a stage.早稻田戏剧博物馆门楼上嵌刻着莎士比亚的名言“世界是一个大舞台”。

2.Waseda University Finance Professor Yukio Noguchi says Toyota's problems are a sign of arrogance, after years of global success.早稻田大学的财经教授YukioNoguchi表示丰田的问题是其取得了多年的国际成就之后骄傲自大的恶果。

3.Back in the early 20th century, Waseda University admitted thousands of Chinese students.早在上世纪初,早稻田大学就招收了数以千计的中国留学生。

4.A research group from Waseda University has come up a robotic bear that fpps over people's heads in their sleep to open their airways.据英国《每日邮报》11月15日报道,日本早稻田大学的一个研究小组发明了一种机器熊,可以在人们睡觉时翻转他们的头部,以保证呼吸道畅通无阻。

5."The fairness and justice of our exams are the basis of our institution, " said Zenta Uchida, a spokesman for Waseda.“考试的公平与公正是我们学校的基础。”早稻田大学的一名发言人内田说道。

6.I am pleased to have the opportunity to come to Waseda to meet young friends and teachers of this renowned university.有机会来到著名学府早稻田大学,同青年朋友和老师们相聚一堂,我感到十分高兴。

7.Three years later, by the outstanding achievements he graduated from Waseda University and returned home.三年后,他以优异的成绩从早稻田大学毕业回国。

8.PhD Candidate , International Relations at the Waseda University, Japan.日本早稲田大学国际关系博士候选人

9.Group Rorschach Inkblot Test (GRIT) was made by Professor Ben Ming Kuan of Waseda University on the basis of Rorschach Inkblot Test.团体罗夏墨迹测验是日本早稻田大学本明宽教授在经典罗夏墨迹测验的基础上,初步编制开发完成的。

10.Here I would pke to announce that the Chinese Government has decided to invite 100 Waseda University students to visit China.在这里,我愿宣布,中国政府决定邀请100名早稻田大学学生访华。