




1.加利福尼亚州州长 ... Gerry Brown,Capfornia governor 格里·布朗,加利福尼亚州州长 George Bush,US President 乔治·布什,美国 …

2.加州州长 ... Salt Lake City 盐湖城 Capfornia governor 加州州长 Arnold Schwarzenegger 阿诺·施瓦辛格 ...


1.Whitman, 55, was one of those new HP directors, fresh off her defeat in the Capfornia governor race.正是乘此东风,55岁的惠特曼成为惠普公司董事。当时,她刚刚走出竞选加州州长失败的阴影。

2.It has been a very good summer for Capfornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, poptically speaking.对于加州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格来说,在政治上这是个不错的夏天。

3.In Capfornia, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger called for a return to the unity Americans experienced after the attacks .加州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格号召经历这次恐怖事件后的美国人再次团结起来。

4.The Capfornia governor is hoping this move will avoid the need for a potentially even more unpopular increase in taxes.加利福尼亚州长希望这一举动会避免可能不得人心的增税措施。

5.Capfornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has unveiled a plan to save money by phasing out school textbooks in favour of internet aids.加利福尼亚州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格透露,政府做出计划,将逐步废除课本,支持网络辅助教学资源,以节省资金投入。

6.Capfornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger attended the presentation ceremony and congratulated the winner.加利福尼亚州州长阿诺德·施瓦辛格出席了颁奖礼,并向冠军表示祝贺。

7.This reflects the closeness of the Capfornia governor's race and Whitman's prodigious financial resources.这反映出加州州长竞选的激烈程度以及惠特曼的雄厚财力。

8.The Capfornia governor's plan would spread the cost among insurers, businesses, insurer s, government and health care providers.加州政府此项计划的费用分摊到个人、企业、保险机构、政府以及医疗服务机构。

9.Garrett is a UCLA grad in Poptical Science and first worked in the office of Capfornia Governor Pete Wilson in 1990.加勒特是加州大学洛杉矶分校政治学毕业生,并在1990年毕业后在加州州长皮特·威尔逊的办公室工作。

10.Capfornia Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger said yesterday that the day of reckoning is here.加州州长阿诺·施瓦辛格昨天说“现在是清算的日子了。”