


美式发音: [ˌfʌndəˈment(ə)lz] 英式发音: [.fʌndə'ment(ə)lz]




n.basics,rudiments,essentials,ground rules,brass tacks



n.1.the most basic and important aspects of something

1.基本面 黑衣骑士( Black knight) 基本面( Fundamentals) 基本面分析( Fundamental analysis) ...

2.基础 Spotpght 灯光 Fundamentals 基础 Renderworks 渲染 ...

3.基本原则 for one thing 首先 fundamentals 基本原则 get down to 认真处理, 认真研究 ...

4.基本原理 Bugs,Limitations 缺陷、限制 Fundamentals 基本原理 Introduction 简介 ...

5.基本因素 Fully paid-up capital 缴足股本 Fundamentals 基本因素;基本面 Fund Management 基金管理 ...

6.音乐的基础 1. Introduction 导言 3. Rhythm:Fundamentals 节奏:音乐的基础 4. Rhythm:Jazz,Pop and Classical 节奏:爵士 流行和古典 ...

7.基础知识 ... 索引 Index 第1章 基础知识 Fundamentals 第2章 逻辑门电路的高速特性 High-Speed Properties of Logic Gates ...


1.Some of the price moves, notably in the oil markets, seem to defy the underlying fundamentals of plentiful supply and rather anemic demand.但这类商品的一些价格变动,特别是油价变动,似乎与供大于求的市场基本面明显存在矛盾。

2.Completion control is a very complex (and sometimes confusing) system, but the fundamentals are fairly easy to understand.完成控制是非常复杂(并且有时非常混淆)的系统,但是其基本原理是相当容易理解的。

3.We just woke up to news of financial disaster, and this morning he said that the fundamentals of the economy are still strong, " he said. "我们刚刚醒来就听到了金融灾难的消息,而今天早上他还说经济的基本面仍然强劲。

4.Combination of fundamentals, continued to fall, driven by the external disk, cannot be immune from the domestic sugar price.结合基本面,在外盘持续下跌带动下,国内糖价不能独善其身。

5.Know the fundamentals. Even if you don't think you know everything in terms of scope, taking care of the essentials is just as important.掌握基本原理:即使你认为自己并不完全搞得懂复习的内容,然而这时关注要点是同样重要的。

6.None of that, though, changed fundamentals affecting companies' underlying businesses, whether in retail, media, autos or technology.但是,这些都没有改变影响着公司主要业务的基本面,无论是零售、媒体、汽车还是科技行业。

7.Early in the week, he said the fundamentals of the economy were sound, despite the current upheaval.本周稍早时候,他说尽管当前局势动荡,但美国的经济基础是健全的。

8.Second, the goal is for you to master the fundamentals so you can say something as an artist because you know what?其次,你的目标是掌握基本原理,以便于你可以以一名艺术家的身份有话说因为你知道什么什么。

9.'Therefore, there has been a rush to Chinese companies' without investors asking 'the normal questions' about their fundamentals, he said.他说,所以,投资者在没有问问常规性的基本面问题的情况下,就争相买进中国公司股票。

10.Learning the fundamentals from the beginning ensures that you are able to apply its principles effectively.刚开始学习基础可以确保你能有效的运用这些基本原理。