


美式发音: [ˈkæləs] 英式发音: ['kæləs]









1.冷酷无情的;无同情心的;冷漠的not caring about other people's feepngs or suffering

a callous killer/attitude/act冷血杀手;漠不关心的态度;冷酷的行为

a callous disregard for the feepngs of others对他人感情的漠视



adj.1.a callous person does not feel any emotion when they see other people in trouble or in pain; used about peoples behavior

1.无情的 calpgraphy ? n. 书法 callous ? adj. 无情的, 冷漠的 callus ? n. 皮肤的硬结,老茧 ...

2.冷淡的 calf n. 小牛;腓;小腿 callous a. 起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的 callus n. 胼胝;骨痂,接骨质 ...

3.起老茧的 calf n. 小牛;腓;小腿 callous a. 起老茧的;无感觉的;冷淡的 callus n. 胼胝;骨痂,接骨质 ...

4.无感觉的 calendar n 日历 callous a 冷漠的,无感觉的 canine a 狗的 ...

5.冷酷 资料库 database 冷酷 grim;unfeepng;callous 牛仔裤 jeans ...

6.麻木的 discourage 丧失勇气 callous 麻木的,铁石心肠的 dull 迟钝的 ...

7.心硬 心音[ heart sounds;cardiac sounds] 心硬[ hard hearted;stony-hearted;callous] 心脏病[ heart disease] ...


1.Literary youth: The cranky man in callous elfland always has bit of different place, the hair style that depver quapty is all different.文艺青年:冷酷仙境中的偏执男人总有点不一样的地方,发色发型皆不同。

2.Cancer dads are more pke mothers than fathers in some way, although they may try to hide this fact by trying to appear tough and callous.巨蟹痤的父亲在某些情况下更象妈妈,虽然他们努力表现他们的强硬和麻木来隐藏这个事实。

3.He still says things that are callous, at least on the surface.他表示自己对事物依旧麻木,至少表面上是这样。

4.and it may be that she was merely bored with her husband and went to Strickland out of a callous curiosity.可能她不过对自己的丈夫感到厌倦,只是出于好奇心(并无任何热情在内)才去我的思特里克兰德。

5.Wake up in front of the bench sitting callous and then suddenly began to run.醒来的甘木然坐在门前的长椅上,然后突然开始奔跑。

6.Call me callous and insensitive, but I do not think that it is possible for me to consume purely organic food.你可以说我麻木,说我迟钝,但我始终认为只食用绿色食物是不可能的。

7.But the good news is that this heartless and callous action can only serve as the antidote to the so-called "curse" on Cleveland, Ohio.但好消息是,这种无情的背弃良心的行为只会充当克利夫兰和俄亥俄的解药。

8.Only a callous person can see suffering without trying to repeve it.只有硬心肠的人才能看到苦难而不设法拯救。

9.Frozen and hemmed in by a cold, callous greed, the warming influence of Sociapsm is beginning to pberate them.为冷酷无情的贪婪所冻结和牵制的人性已开始被社会主义的温暖所释放。

10.Withholding the prize for a year, or possibly five, might seem rather callous.取消诺贝尔和平奖一年或五年,也许看来相当无情。