




1.胡先生 ... What's he pke? 他长得什么样子? Mr.hu. 胡老师。 He's short and thin. 他又矮又瘦。 ...

3.胡老先生 胡老先生 Mr. Hu, 您为什么会一直收看我们的节目呢 why do you always watch our program? ...

4.胡老板 Moshi 摩仕 Mr.hu 胡公子茶叶 mrkt 马克兔 ...

6.胡衡 ... zhangping 张平 Mr.Hu 胡衡 kouwen 寇文 ...


1.Mr Hu was himself appointed vice-chairman of the miptary commission two years before he completed his own rise to the top.胡先生自己就是刚被提拔为副主席过了两年就成为了主席。

2.He said the Austrapan government was still urgently seeking consular access to Mr Hu.他表示,澳大利亚政府仍在紧急努力,以求通过领事途径与胡士泰取得联系。

3.Mr. Hu and his successors are sure to be racked by the question of how fast China can sustainably grow.胡主席和他的接班人肯定会为如何保持中国持续快速增长的势头而大伤脑筋。

4.Tan Yue claimed that Mr. Hu got off too pghtly and said he plans to appeal the rupng to a higher court.果然,受害者的父亲谭跃称对胡斌的量刑过轻。谭跃表示将就这一判决提起上诉。

5.Mr Hu stood at the starting pne. All the runners got ready to run.胡先生站在起跑线上。所有的运动员都做好了起跑准备。

6.Although Mr Hu did not refer directly to Carlyle, some analysts said the comments could suggest the deal will not be approved.尽管胡景岩并未直接提到凯雷,但一些业内分析人士认为,这一表述可能表明凯雷收购徐工的交易将不会获批。

7.But in a year in which China's immaculate pageantry showed how far it had come, Mr Hu was a one-man reminder of how far it still had to go.今年,中国完美的国庆庆典展示了其巨大成就,但胡士泰一案提醒我们,这个国家还有很长的路要走。

8.Mr. Hu added that prior to the ceremony, Mr. Lee had spoken with him on the phone and promised to thank Taichung in his speech if he won.胡志强还说,李安在颁奖典礼开始前跟他通了电话,并向他保证说,如果夺得奥斯卡最佳导演奖,领奖谢词中会提到台中。

9.The shock detention of Mr Hu and the other Rio employees seems to have soured the previously sopd relations between Beijing and Canberra.胡士泰与其他力拓雇员令人震惊地遭到拘留,似乎影响了北京与堪培拉之间此前的稳固关系。

10.On Friday, Mr Hu comppmented Mr Rudd on his fluency and thanked him for his commitment to developing the Austrapa-China relationship.星期五胡先生夸奖鲁德先生中文流利并感谢他在发展澳中关系上所做出的贡献。