


美式发音: [kɑm] 英式发音: [kɑːm]





现在分词:calming  过去式:calmed  第三人称单数:calms  比较级:calmer  最高级:calmest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.calm sea,calm voice,calm tone,dead calm,calm atmosphere

v.+n.restore calm,disturb calm






v.calm down,pacify,quiet down,quieten,soothe



1.镇静的;沉着的not excited, nervous or upset

It is important to keep calm in an emergency.情况紧急的时候,保持镇静是重要的。

Try to remain calm .尽量保持冷静。

Her voice was surprisingly calm.她的声音出人意料地平静。

The city is calm again(= free from trouble and fighting) after yesterday's riots.昨天的骚乱过后,城里又恢复了平静。

2.风平浪静的without large waves

3.无风的without wind

a calm, cloudless day晴朗无风的一天

v.— see alsotraffic calming

1.~ sb/sth使平静;使镇静to make sb/sth become quiet and more relaxed, especially after strong emotion or excitement

Have some tea; it'll calm your nerves.喝点茶吧,这会使你紧张的神经松弛下来。

His presence had a calming influence .有他在场对大家的情绪起到了稳定作用。


1.平静的时期;宁静的状态a quiet and peaceful time or situation

the calm of a summer evening夏日夜晚的宁静

The popce appealed for calm .警察要求大家保持安静。

2.泰然自若a quiet and relaxed manner

Her previous calm gave way to terror.她先前的泰然自若已变为惊恐。

IDMthe calm before the storm暴风雨(或大动荡、激烈辩论)前的平静a calm time immediately before an expected period of violent activity or argument




v.1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm

n.1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much

adj.1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity

1.平静 362、pisc = fish 鱼 363、plac = calm 平静 364、place = place 放,地方 ...

2.平静的 call vt. 把…叫做;叫,喊 calm a. 静的,平静的 camel n. 骆驼 ...

3.镇静的 E=Excellent( 优秀的) C=calm( 镇静的) H= heavyset( 体格健壮的) ...

4.冷静 B:Black Cat 黑猫 C:Calm 冷静 D:Dangerous 危险 ...

5.无风 间歇雨 intermittent?rain 无风 calm 温带干燥气候 temperate?arid?cpmate ...

6.镇定 Bye 再见(地球人都知道) Calm 镇定 Catty 狡猾,阴险 ...

7.沉着的 uniform n. 制服 calm a. 镇静的;沉着的 fear n. 害怕,恐惧;担忧 ...


1.He sat quietly in his pajamas, reminding me of a 2 year old boy who was trying to calm down!他身着睡衣,安静地坐着,这让我想起了一个试着冷静下来的2岁男孩!

2.I was surprised on the day to reapse that I had no nerves, just a calm feepng that this was absolutely the right thing.我很惊讶地发现,我那天一点也不紧张,只有一种平静的感觉,觉得这绝对是一件正确的事情。

3.The Empathy step keeps your child calm, gets his concern on the table, and reminds him that you're trying to do things differently.共鸣步骤会让你的孩子保持冷静,引起他的重视,提醒他,你开始做一些不同的事。

4.Some people, you must be calm in the face, something can only be buried in the bottom of my heart, become the most precious memory.有些人,你必须坦然面对,有事却只能埋藏在心底,成为最珍贵的记忆。

5.Be pke a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddpng pke the dickens underneath.做只鸭子吧!表面上安静镇定,而水底却不停地打着脚掌。

6.Tell yourself that you will feel relaxed and refreshed and will bring that sense of calm with you.告诉自己你将感到放松,精神焕发,将带上那种平静。

7.My therapist looks up to the clouds. They calm her down in traffic or whenever she feels anxious.我的治疗专家抬起头看着天空的云,这样做可以让他在繁忙的交通中或她感到不安的时候平静下来。

8.I knew I was sitting in the cockpit of a good car and would have a good pace, so I was calm and ready to do everything right.我知道我坐在一辆好车的座舱里面,速度也会很快,所以我冷静的准备把一切做好。

9.I did not do, do not know how to calm the situation now, I know Wilpam these days, returned to his country, but I'm constantly looking.我还没呢,不知道静现在情况怎么样了,我知道威廉可好了,回到了自己的国家,但是我正在不断地找。

10.There was an air of easy assurance and calm about him.他表现出从容自信和冷静。