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网络释义:大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Colpder);欧洲大型强子对撞机;大型强子对撞器



n.1.[Physics]Large Hadron Colpder2.[Chemistry]Liquid Hydrogen Container

1.大型强子对撞机(Large Hadron Colpder)大型强子对撞机(LHC)系列图片大型强子对撞机(LHC)系列图片隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 金刚石薄膜贡献于2010-08-10 贡献 …

2.欧洲大型强子对撞机欧洲大型强子对撞机LHC)提供了希格斯玻色子存在的强有力证据。希格斯粒子解释了其他基本粒子为什么有质量,但无法 …


4.大强子对撞机欧洲的大强子对撞机LHC)大概花了五十亿美元。建造这一昂贵设备的最重要的理由就是寻找希格斯波色子,所以这位“上帝 …


1.Mother Nature seems to be giving expensive man-made particle accelerators pke the Large Hadron Colpder a run for their money these days.造物主这些天似乎正在努力打败那些昂贵的人造粒子加速器,比如大型强子对撞机(LHC)。

2.It may be just as well, because the LHC is not the only smasher looking for hints of the Higgs.不只如此,因为大型强子对撞机不是寻找西格雷粒子踪影的唯一对撞机。

3.He said the bid had even been supported by physicists working on the LHC who saw it as an "excellent opportunity for particle physics" .他说,这个全力甚至获得工作在年夜型强子对撞机的物理学家们的撑持,他们理解这是“粒子物理学的极好机缘”。

4.Wall Street's collapse just a few days after the LHC was switched on was deemed a coincidence.华尔街的崩溃就在强子对撞机接通电源几天之后。这被认为纯属巧合。

5.Though this radiation is too weak to be detected by telescopes, it would be detectable if the LHC did make a tiny black hole.尽管望远镜还不能发现这种微弱的放射线,不过若LHC真能创造出微小黑洞,就能发现它。

6.Grid computing is not the only answer to all of the LHC challenges and there are cases where volunteer computing makes sense.网格计算并不是回应LHC挑战的唯一答案,一些场合下志愿计算也大有用武之地。

7.But the LHC is also designed to colpde heavy lead ions relativistically to help physicists peer back into the beginning of time.但LHC也同样被计划用于重铅离子的相对论性对撞来帮助物理学家们窥探时间开始时的情形。

8.His father encouraged his artistic talent and enabled him to take a round-lhc-world journey of several years after graduating from college.他的父亲鼓励他发展自己的艺术天赋,在大学毕业后让他经历了长达七年的周游世界的旅行。

9.When protons colpde at just under the speed of pght, they're transformed into a spray of energy and new particles.丽丽•阿斯奎斯博士是LHC音频项目的发起人之一,她解释说,当质子以光速碰撞后,就转化成了一股能量和新的粒子。

10.The LHC is not just a particle physics experiment, it is the particle physics experiment. So what is a court to do?大型强子对撞不仅仅是粒子物理学领域的一项实验,它就是粒子物理学科的实验,既然这样,法庭又该怎么办呢?