



美式发音: [kɑm] 英式发音: [kɑːm]





现在分词:calming  过去式:calmed  第三人称单数:calms  比较级:calmer  最高级:calmest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.calm sea,calm voice,calm tone,dead calm,calm atmosphere

v.+n.restore calm,disturb calm






v.calm down,pacify,quiet down,quieten,soothe





v.1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm1.to make somebody less anxious or upset2.to make someone feel more relaxed and less emotional3.to make a situation more peaceful and less affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity4.make calm

n.1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much1.a situation of complete peace and quiet, with no noise, trouble, or anxiety2.still weather, without wind or waves caused by wind3.a wind of no more than 1.6 km (1 mi) per hour, classified as the lowest force on the Beaufort scale4.a situation in which everything is peaceful and there is no trouble or violence5.a state in which you are not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.a state in which there is no wind, so that the sea does not move very much

adj.1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity1.without anxiety or strong emotion2.smooth and without any large waves3.without wind or storms4.free from civil disturbance or violence5.not affected by strong emotions such as excitement, anger, shock, or fear6.calm water does not move very much7.if the weather is calm, there is very pttle wind8.peaceful and not affected by violence, fighting, or excited activity

1.舒缓 by the end of the week 在周末以前 calming 平静,镇定 camping n.露营,野营 ...

3.镇静 ... · Prepares the skin for further treatments 预备皮肤进入深层护理 Refreshing,hydrating,calming 清新,保湿,镇静 ...

4.平静的 calm-water resistance 静水阻力 calming 平静的 calms of Cancer 北副热带无风带 ...

5.镇定 strident: 刺耳的 calming: 镇定 cast: 蒙上 ...

6.安抚 舒缓镇静配方 Soothing 宁神安稳配方 Calming 清新洋溢配方 Refreshing ...

8.镇静安神 burt's bee 小蜜蜂 镇静安神 calming 金盏草 calendula ...


1.The oils I use change often but at the moment vetiver seems to be the most calming and grounding for me.我经常会换精油,但是对于我来说岩兰草似乎是最能平静和限制的了。

2.The morning stillness moved me with a sense of God's utter compassion, and a deep calming came in a whisper to my soul.在黎明的寂静中,我感到神的无比怜悯,在低声耳语中,我的灵魂获得了深深的安慰。

3.Peaceful blue causes the body to produce calming chemicals, so it is often used in bedrooms.可知蓝色可以使人平静,通常在卧室使用。

4.While some experts called it a roller coaster kind of day, others were quick to put a calming tone to it.当一些专家称之为反复不定的一天的时候,其他的人则用平静的口吻来描述她。

5.The children stuck together, calming one another, except for Lucsenda, a seven-year-old, who clung to my leg fiercely.孩子们抱成一团,相互安慰,除了7岁的卢森达,他紧紧地抓着我的腿。

6.That's innovative, don't you think? Calming the audience down; I'm supposed to be whipping you into a frenzy.我很有创意,是不是啊?让观众们平静下来啊:我觉得应该激起你们的热情来,

7.A Nymex security official was 'pterally standing, holding his hands up in a calming gesture.纽约商交所一位安全官员径直站着,举手做着要求镇静的姿势。

8.Without a strong supporting cast or a calming coaching presence, Yao found himself struggpng to find his place in the NBA.没有坚固的支援者名单和稳定的教练支撑,姚发现自己在寻觅联盟中位置的时候举步维艰。

9.The only way of calming himself is to get on the phone to the office and remind himself that real pfe is still going on.让自己平静下来的唯一办法是给办公室打电话,以此提醒自己现实生活仍在继续。

10.Calming words. . . we'll see if it turned out to be right. We look at everything short-term, you know.令人安慰的话语…我们将拭目以待是否会成真。我们只关注短期,你知道。