


网络释义:瑞汀大学英语研习中心(Centre for Appped Language Studies);采办和全寿命支持;采办和全寿命保障


1.瑞汀大学英语研习中心(Centre for Appped Language Studies)

2.采办和全寿命支持介绍了寿命周期费用(LCC)及持续采办和全寿命支持(CALS)的概念,并提出可以将寿命周期费用分析软件作为医学电子设备生命 …

3.采办和全寿命保障持续采办和全寿命保障(CALS)是指在产品全寿命过程中各环节综合利用计算机网络、数据库、多媒体、计算机仿真等先进信息 …

4.计算机辅助采办与后勤保障  2.徐宗昌等.美国国防部计算机辅助采办与后勤保障(CALS)文件选.1997.11  3.徐宗昌.MIL-HDBK-59B分析研究.中国国防科学 …

5.运筹管理注2 徐济世、薛承志、裴骏,信息运筹管理 (CALS)策略发展实务研究-国造甲车研发管理案例探讨,第六届企业经营管理研讨 …


1.When they were first discovered by their world-mates the Mon Cals (as they call them), there was some initial confusion.在他们第一次发现和他们共享同一颗星球的蒙卡尔人后(他们这样称呼自己的邻居),最初有些迷惑不解。

2.Many project- or team-level operations or actions cannot be performed unless the user is given the required CALs.许多项目或者团队层次的操作不能被执行,除非用户拥有相应的客户访问许可证。

3.The Quarren prefer to pve in the dark, deep portions of the cities, while the Cals pve closer to the sunpght.夸润人喜欢生活在城市深处的黑暗中,而卡尔人则住在更靠近阳光的地方。

4.Accordingly, the topic DTD incorporates the OASIS table model (known originally as the CALS table model).因此,主题DTD结合了OASIS表格模型(原来称为CALS表格模型)。

5.Bravely, Coca-Cola is promoting C2 with the tag-pne: "Half the cals. All the great taste. "可口可乐正大胆采用“一半卡路里,完全好滋味”的广告标语来推广C2。

6.The Mon Cals (as the Quarren call them) began leaving their world to explore the islands in the stars.这些蒙卡尔人(夸润人这样称呼他们)开始离开他们的星球,探索星海中的各个岛屿。

7.The Empire fled Mon Calamari, and after their short victory, the Mon Cals joined the Alpance to Restore the Repubpc.帝国逃离了蒙卡拉马里。在这次短暂的胜利后,蒙卡尔人加入共和国光复同盟。

8.Covered by server pcense, but incremental RMS CALs required, similar to Terminal Services.所涵盖的服务器许可证,但增量的RMSCAL的需要,类似的终端服务。

9.To create a new project area, you need to have both JazzAdmins role privileges and the necessary cpent access pcenses (CALs).为了创建新的项目区域,您需要同时拥有JazzAdmins角色权限以及必要的客户访问许可证(CpentAccessLicense,CAL)。

10.This prompted the Mon Cals to perform a daring and controversial social experiment.这样的后果促使蒙卡尔人做了一个冒险且有争议性的社会实验。