


美式发音: [kæv] 英式发音: [kɑːv]



第三人称单数:calves  现在分词:calving  过去式:calved  



1.生小牛;产犊to give birth to a calf


v.1.to give birth to a calf

1.生小牛 dormant adj. 静止的, 隐匿的 calve v. 生小牛,下仔 mammoth n. 毛象 ...

2.分离 calvities 秃头 calve 生小牛, 下仔, (使)分离 calver 孕牛 ...

3.产犊 uproot 连根拔 calve 生小牛;产犊 flee from 逃,逃走 ...

4.崩解 ... sedimentation 沉积作用 calve 崩解 radiometric dating 同位素年代测定 ...

5.骨骺缺血性坏死Legg—Clolve—Perthes氏病);脊椎骨骺缺血性坏死Calve);月骨骨骺缺血性坏死(Kienbook);足舟骨(Koehler); …


1.Global warming is forcing ice shelves to calve, producing icebergs pke this monopth jutting into the waters of the Antarctic Peninsula.全球变暖使冰架崩塌,分离成尖突石块形状的冰山,漂浮在南极半岛的水域中。

2.They found that wearing a pair of shoes shortened fibres in their calve muscles as the heel of the foot was elevated.他们发现穿着一双根部很高的鞋会缩短他们小腿肌肉中的纤维。

3.The February 2011 earthquake provided the final pulse of energy to calve off ice than had been about to break off anyway.2011年2月这次地震的发生,是这处于消融中的冰川最终走向崩解的一个转折。

4.Fissure pnes near the edge show where the next iceberg may calve.冰层边缘上的裂纹预示着那里将分裂产生一个新冰山。

5.Their bulls never fail to breed; their cows calve and do not miscarry.他们的公牛孳生而不断绝。母牛下犊而不掉胎。

6.Now they anticipate where elk will calve and search in a pattern for the faintest scent.现在,他们预期麋鹿将要产仔的地方并循着最微弱的气味搜寻。

7.Dairy cows must calve every year to keep producing milk, and only half their offspring will be female.奶牛要想保持产奶必须每年生小牛,但是它们的后代只有一半是雌牛。

8.The unusual tides caused glaciers to calve icebergs off Greenland.这种不寻常的潮汐使得格陵兰的冰川崩裂成冰山。

9.And they've become elegant and slender -- they don't really have thighs; they just have one elegant calve on top of another.他们更优雅、更修长--他们没有大腿;只有一条优雅的小腿叠在另一条优雅的小腿上。

10.Icebergs are born when they calve off of glaciers or break off of ice shelves.冰山的形成是当它们从冰川断裂开或者从冰架上断裂开。