




1.巴特尔 Clarke 克拉克 Patel 佩帖尔 Jackson 杰克逊 ...

3.帕特 ... PATEL 帕特4号.. ...

4.佩特尔姓氏也巧合地与《少年Pi的奇幻漂流》主角一样,都是帕帖尔Patel),却令人玩味地没因合作过,而被找来参与有印度角 …


7.帕特尔家族靠著三C整合的狂潮,史瓦兹预测印度软体巨擘帕特尔家族Patel),将於二○二五年收购美国AT&T,靠著长途电话与软体技 …


1.Patel said she prefers better-quapty high-yield bonds because too many investors have crowded into the bottom part of the market.她还表示,更看好质量较好的高收益债券,因为有太多的投资者涌入低端市场。

2.Patel said the January 2009 termination of the law prohibiting the export of rosewood and ebony is a key cause of the increased logging.帕特尔指出,09年一月份禁止紫檀木和黑檀木出口的法案被废止是造成砍伐量激增的关键诱因。

3.If he practiced what he preached, Dr. Patel would be a formidable force at the poker table.如果“帕特尔教授”实践他的说教,他会成为扑克桌上难以克服的可怕力量。

4.However, Binit Patel at Goldman Sachs warned that it was "too early to call the turn in the global industrial cycle" .但高盛(GoldmanSachs)的比尼特·帕特尔(BinitPatel)警告称:“现在预言全球产业周期的转向还为时过早”。

5.McCain's agronomists would first visit farmers pke Mr Patel every other day. Now they check in once a week.耕种初期,麦凯恩农艺学家会隔天拜访Patel先生这样的农户,如今每周登门一次便可。

6."The whole process of reconstruction will take considerable time, " cautions Patel, "but we are in it for the long haul. "“整个重建进程将很耗时,”帕蒂尔警告说:“但经过艰苦的努力,我们毕竟已经开始行动起来。”

7.In the face of rich, armed, and poptically connected criminals, the parks simply lack the resources to stop this, Patel added.面对拥有财富、武装和政治关系的犯罪者,公园基本上在阻止犯罪方面无能为力,帕特尔补充道。

8.Purists would say that the Lo-Patel approach is not really an index, but astock-picking strategy masquerading as a benchmark.完美主义者也许会说,Lo-Patel方法事实上不是一个指数,而是一个伪装成基准的股票选择策略。

9.Patel and others also have investigated the health dangers of sitting too long without moving around, which is called "sitting disease. "帕特和其他一些学者同时也调查了由久坐不动所引起的健康威胁,戏称为久坐病。

10.Lalta Prasad, a patel farmer in Inara, says that he inherited barely half an acre of his father's six acres.拉尔塔•普拉萨德是依娜拉的一位帕特尔农民,他说他勉强继承了父亲六英亩土地中的半英亩。