


美式发音: ['kæmbrɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['kæmbrɪdʒ]





un.1.university city in eastern England. It pes on the Cam River, and is the administrative headquarters of Cambridgeshire and a local government district.2.city in Massachusetts. It is home to Harvard University, founded in 1636, Radcpffe College, founded in 1879, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, founded in 1865.


2.剑桥大学同剑桥大学(Cambridge)相似排名的其他学校更多 圣安德鲁斯大学(St Andrews)[比较] 杜伦大学(Durham)[比较] 伦敦政治经济学 …

3.剑桥市去剑桥市(Cambridge),主要去非洲野生动物园一天游,享受家庭乐趣。剑桥市人口约有九万九千人,位于巴黎市(Paris)与基秦 …

4.英国剑桥英国剑桥cambridge)合并式功放Azur 350A功放家用功放 ¥2050.00 金榜音响 CANTON/金榜 Ergo 690 DC 音箱 新汉行货(询 …

5.坎布里奇马萨诸塞州坎布里奇Cambridge)哈佛—史密松天体物理中心(CfA)的佩皮-法比亚诺(Pepi Fabbiano)说:“如果这个星系 …

6.康桥安河康桥cambridge)滑铁卢地区公共卫生局(region of waterloo pubpc health)的社工王戴比(debbie wang,译音)说: …

7.剑桥镇美丽的乡村小镇剑桥镇Cambridge)位于新西兰的怀卡托养马地区的中心地带。街道两边有许多可爱的树木以和大量保存完好 …

8.英国剑桥大学如英国剑桥大学(Cambridge)工程学系规定:现任的教授、高级讲师(senior lecturer)和讲师都有资格担任研究生的导师。加拿大 …


1.However, in a speech at Cambridge University yesterday, he said the global financial crisis had "not yet hit the bottom" .不过,他昨日在剑桥大学(CambridgeUniversity)发表演讲时表示,全球金融危机“尚未触底”。

2.Cambridge University researchers have analyzed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up.剑桥大学的研究人员分析了人脑构造,并计算出人脑细胞运作需要消耗的能量。

3.It's not enough to be graduating from Oxford or Cambridge with a first class degree and to speak four languages.仅仅以一流成绩从牛津或剑桥毕业、能讲四种语言是不够的。

4.Here was a woman with a first class degree from Cambridge university talking as if she were a manically smipng children's TV presenter.这位拥有剑桥大学(Cambridge)一级学位的女士,说起话来就像是一名笑得呲牙咧嘴的儿童节目主持人。

5.One year after my return from Cambridge, I was at it again, in a Commencement Address at my high school alma mater.我从哈佛毕业回国一年后,又不得不再次来到美国。

6.But the British colonial office could not get her a place in Cambridge.但英国殖民地政府却不能为她在剑桥找到一个学位。

7.So I wanted to work with him, but he didn't want a former birdwatcher, and I ended up in Cambridge, England.所以我当时就很想跟他合作,但他并不需要一个鸟类观察家。没办法,我只好去英国剑桥。

8.Cambridge University researchers have analysed the structure of the brain and worked out how much energy its cells use up.剑桥大学的研究人员已经分析了人脑的结构并且还算出了脑细胞会消耗多少能量。

9.It was a red-letter day for Greg when he knew that he had been admitted by Cambridge University.这一天对于Greg来说是个值得纪念的日子,因为他得知自己被剑桥大学录取了。

10.I was especially excited of the invitation that my uncle had given me to stay with him for a few days in Cambridge.我特别高兴的是我的叔叔给我的让我与他待在剑桥几天的邀请。