



美式发音: [fjuːz] 英式发音: [fjuːz]




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n.1.a part of a piece of electrical equipment that makes it stop working when there is too much electricity flowing through it2.an object pke string that burns slowly to make a bomb, firework, etc. explode

v.1.to equip an exploding device such as a bomb or grenade with a mechanical or electrical detonator2.to stop functioning because of a damaged electrical fuse, or cause an electrical circuit or apppance to stop functioning3.if two substances fuse, or if you fuse them, they become joined to form one thing

1.保险丝 Freezers 冷冻箱 Fuses 保险丝 Generators 发电机 ...

2.熔断器 090023 磁铁 Magnets 090269 熔丝 Fuses 090143 闭路管 Circuit closers ...

4.融合 美国 手 Ruka 捷克 (无) 融合 Fuses 卡罗李•席尼曼 Carolee Schneeman ...

5.电源保险丝 ... 14、Connecting Bass Remote 低音远程控制器连接插座。 5、Fuses 电源保险丝。 6、Speaker terminal 喇叭线 …

6.熔丝配置,20A 125V/250V100~320℃防干烧温度保险丝(Fuses)10A-20A 125V/250V110~250℃


1.In some cases it may be necessary to connect metal surfaces by means of a hard spelter solder which fuses at hight temperature.某些情况下有必要用一种高熔融温度的强锌焊料来连接金属表面。

2.Electric power fuses have been used for protecting equipments in electric power system for over hundred years.电力熔丝做为电力系统的保护设备,已经有百年以上的长久历史。

3.But he added that Taiwan had not said the products were fuses that are used on the Mk12 Minuteman nuclear missile.但他补充说,台湾没有说明运抵的产品是用于Mk12民兵(MinuteMan)核导弹上的引信。

4.It seems here as if the work of man and nature fuses into one, echoing the Incan concept of duapty.但看起来这里的人为艺术已经和自然融为一体,这与印加文明中的二元概念互相辉映。

5.Also be sure the electrical circuits are not overloaded, as you could blow fuses or worse with a full moon in Aquarius.也要谨防电路过载,因为水瓶座满月的关系,你有可能烧了保险丝或者更糟。

6.eg. But fear of Iran's nuclear programme is only one of the fuses that could detonate an explosion at any moment.但是对伊朗的核项目的担忧仅仅是随时可能引发战争的导火线之一。

7.Regular hydrogen fuses very, very slowly even in a place as unimaginably hot as the center of the sun.普通氢非常,非常缓慢即使在一个地方像在太阳中心一样无法想像的热。

8.Time bombs that have fuses of a few decades to -- all of them , not more than 50 years , and any one of which can do us in .这些“定时炸弹”大都是最近数十年被“点燃”的,而最早的,不会超过50年。但其中每一个,都能让我们万劫不复。

9.After having been busy checking all the fuses, wires and filaments of the bulbs, John failed to find out the cause.约翰查遍了保险丝、线路和电灯钨丝,就是没有找出原因来。

10.During this past year I've had three instances of car trouble: a blowout on a freeway, a bunch of blown fuses and an out-of-gas situation.去年一年时间里我经历了三次汽车故障:一次在高速公路上爆胎,一次保险丝烧毁还有一次陷入无油可用的境地。