


美式发音: [ˈkæməˌlɑt] 英式发音: [ˈkæməlɒt]





na.1.in old stories, the place in southwest England where King Arthur pved with his knights2.the time when John F. Kennedy was president of the U.S. (1961–63), considered an exciting time of change in the United States.

1.圣城风云《圣城风云》(Camelot)将于2011年4月1号首播,档期是美国东部时间周五晚上10点档,第一季共10集。将填补《斯巴达克 …

2.卡默洛特 《卡默洛特》(camelot)是starz投资拍摄的一部原创魔幻剧,故事讲述乌瑟王暴毙之后,大法师梅林从民间寻回乌瑟王的私生 …

3.卡米洛特现在,主办国家彩票的公司卡米洛特Camelot)委任诺丁汉大学(Nottingham University)进行了有关的研究,并发现古代圣 …

4.卡美洛虽说卡美洛(Camelot)的统治者是亚瑟王,但有人认为若就一个骑士论,最杰出的应首推兰斯洛特,其次是高文爵士,第三才是 …

5.卡梅洛特《卡梅洛特》(Camelot)——理查德·哈里斯(Richard Harris)使用的神剑 《太空仙女恋》(I Dream of Jeannie)——芭芭拉·伊登(Ba…

6.柯莱特柯莱特(camelot) -我在上海的第一家公司SQL将行转换成列 ASP.NET 页生命周期概述 Asp网址被屏蔽 MVC生命周期 项目管理之质量 …

7.卡梅洛特公司卡梅洛特公司(Camelot)lottery operator‘泛欧彩票’彩票运营商


1.We also, at Project Camelot, have interviewed enough different witnesses that we are trying to look at the big picture perspective.在卡米洛特工程,我们也采访了足够不同的见证人,我们正试图着眼于大局远景。

2.So this interview straight away broke new ground: it was the first Camelot interview in which David joined the two of us for the interview.所以这次采访马上有了有新的突破:它是第一次大卫也作为采访嘉宾加入我们两个的面谈。

3.The media apotheosized the couple as starry-eyed lovers out of Camelot cut down by an urban savage.媒体神化柯莱特的夫妇,一个城市的野蛮削减不切实际的恋人。

4.Camelot, a Channel 4 drama starring Eva Green and Joseph Fiennes, is only the latest in a series of big-budget takes on Arthurian legend.在英国广播电台4频道播出的由伊娃•格林和约瑟夫•费恩斯主演的《卡米洛特》,仅仅是一系列关于亚瑟传奇的大片中最近的一部。

5.The young wizard and the heroic Prince Arthur appear to be getting far closer than in previous versions of the mythical story of Camelot.这位年轻的向导和英雄阿瑟王子似乎越来越远高于在卡米洛的神话故事以前的版本更接近。

6.So I declare a festival to celebrate 20 years since the great dragon was captured and Camelot freed from the evil of sorcery.于是我宣布今天为20周年庆典,以庆祝神龙被囚以及我们摆脱邪恶的魔法。

7.She has heard a whisper say, A curse is on her if she stay To look down to Camelot.她听到耳语说,一个诅咒,如果她留在她的往下看,柯莱特。

8.But pke Camelot , it was short-pved, and its legacy was buried in the desert sands.不过同卡蒙洛的结局一样,这个时期持续时间不长,其遗迹也淹没于漫漫黄沙。

9.Jake approached Project Camelot after our work had been brought to his attention by a friend.我们的工作项目被他的一个朋友介绍而使他引起了注意,之后杰克便走近了卡米洛特工程。

10.In 1977, the family sold the estate to a private group called Camelot Gardens, which opened it as a museum.在1977年,这里被售给一个叫卡米洛特花园的私人组织,他们把这里建成了一个博物馆。