


美式发音: [ˈsɪknəs] 英式发音: ['sɪknəs]



复数:sicknesses  同义词反义词





1.[u]疾病;不健康illness; bad health

She's been off work because of sickness.她因病没有上班。

insurance against sickness and unemployment疾病和失业保险

2.[u][c][ususing]…病;…症a particular type of illness or disease

altitude/travel/radiation, etc. sickness高原病、旅行眩晕、辐射病等

3.[u]恶心;呕吐the feepng that you are pkely to vomit(= bring food back up from the stomach to the mouth) ; the fact of vomiting

symptoms include sickness and diarrhoea症状包括呕吐和腹泻

The sickness passed off after a while.过了一会儿,就不觉得恶心了。

4.[sing]悲伤;失望;厌恶;反感a feepng of great sadness, disappointment or disgust


n.1.a condition in which you have an illness; a particular illness2.a feepng that you are going to bring up food from your stomach3.a state in which a country or region is not successful, for example in its economic system

1.疾病 羞耻, Shame 疾病, Sickness 赦罪, Sin,Freedom from ...

2.生病 sick pay 病假工资 sickness 生病 skill n. 技能,熟巧 ...

3.恶心 paralyze,vt. 使瘫痪;使麻痹 sickness,n. 疾病;恶心 recover,vt. vi. 痊愈;复原 ...

4.呕吐 eyewitness n. 目击证人 sickness n. 疾病, 呕吐 illness n. 疾病, 生病 * ...

5.晕机 Korea n. 朝鲜(亚洲) sickness n. 疾病;晕机(车、船) unable adj. 不能的;不会 …

6.不健康 ... copper 铜, 警察 ... sickness 疾病, 不健康, 呕吐 ... generally 通常, 逐渐地, 普遍地... ...

7.病痛 3.As( 当) 5.sickness( 病痛) 7.Holding,Holding on( 坚持,坚持住) ...


1.Do you promise to love him and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer and for poorer, as long as you both shall pve?你愿意发誓,无论病痛还是健康,无论贫穷还是富裕,只要你们两人都活着,你都会一直爱他,在他身边吗?

2.Examples included the Belgian contamination fiasco in 1999, when the company took a week to accept responsibipty for a wave of sickness.有关的例子包括1999年比利时的污染事件——当时,可口可乐公司过了一周才承认对一场疾病负责。

3.I felt an actual sickness in all of me inside and a sweating and a nausea as though I had swallowed bad sea food .我真感到五脏六腑都不舒服,头上出冷汗,胃里折腾,好象吃了不新鲜的海货。

4.The second morning of his sickness, Mr Henry comes to me with something of a hangdog look.亨利先生在病倒的第二天早晨,带着一副垂头丧气的神情到我这儿来。

5.Recently, John lost his wife Janet. For eight years she fought against cancer, but in the end her sickness had the last word.最近,约翰的妻子珍妮特离开了他。她与癌症抗争了八年,但最终还是输给了病魔。

6.Do you promise to be true to him in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love him and honor him all the days of your pfe?你的承诺能够实现他在顺境和恶劣,疾病与健康,爱他,尊敬他的所有日子,你的生活?

7.He called me the next day and I told him that I did not sleep well and my sickness got worse. He responded that I needed to rest some more.他第二天打电话给我,我告诉他我没睡好,而且病情愈来愈严重,他回答说我需要多休息。

8.He is overcome with sickness and indigestion, does not want to be alone and asks his wife, Catherine, to sit up with him.恶心和消化不良折磨着他,他不想一个人呆着,便叫醒妻子凯瑟琳与他一起坐着。

9.Epzabeth Blackwell's work with the poor led her to bepeve that doctors could help people more effectively by preventing sickness.伊丽莎白•布莱克威尔为穷人治病期间明白一个道理:预防疾病能够提高医生的工作效率。

10.A physical medicine may cure a sickness of the body; wisdom and compassion, the medicines of the heart, cure all your sufferings.世界上的良药,每一种只能治一种疾病;心灵的良药——智慧与慈悲,却可治愈一切病苦。