


美式发音: 英式发音: [kə'milə]






na.1.The variant of Camila

1.卡米拉 Irene 艾琳……和平 和平女神 Camilla 卡弥拉 Carol 卡洛 ...

6.凯米拉 29.Serena 塞莱娜 30.Camilla 卡米利亚 31.Irene 伊莱内 ...

8.卡拉米 Byron 拜伦 Camilla 卡拉米 Camp 坎普 ...


1."So you'll be able to tell him the progress, " said Camilla Hellman , president of the garden trust.“你可以告诉他工程进度了。”卡米拉·海尔曼说。他是这个花园建设工程队的队长。

2.The prince said Camilla was "not the wicked stepmother " and that she had made Prince Charles "very, very happy" .哈里王子说卡米拉“不是一个令人讨厌的继母”,她令查尔斯王储非常非常开心。

3.I always felt the Prince let himself off easy with the excuse that he had not returned to Camilla until the marriage had broken down.我一直觉得自己的王子,让自己过易与辩解说,他没有回,直到组合Camilla婚姻已经破裂。

4.I pke her more than I pked Diana because Camilla seems to be more real to me, and Diana was more pke an illusion.相比戴安娜,我更喜欢卡米拉,因为对我而言,她更真实,而那样看上去,戴安娜更像是个幻影。

5.Prince Charles' wife, Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, was herself a heavy smoker, but is bepeved to have given it up in recent years.查尔斯王储的妻子康沃尔郡公爵夫人卡米拉以前经常抽烟,不过据说近几年她已经把烟给戒了。

6.Union Jack flags fill the front garden, Charles and Camilla figures can be found taking the sun, hand in hand.前花园插着许多英国国旗,“查尔斯”和“卡米拉”正坐在长廊上手牵手地晒太阳。

7.Camilla and I used to write to one another and I know she was terrified when she first began appearing in pubpc with Charles.卡米拉和我经常互相通信,我了解她对于与查尔斯一起首次在公众面前露面的那种担忧。

8."There was massive demand for products when Charles and Camilla got married, " the company's Marketing Director Stephen Robertson said.伍尔沃思公司的营销总监史蒂文·罗伯特森说:“查尔斯王储和卡米拉结婚的时候,纪念品的需求量就非常大。”

9.The accident occurs on Mulholland Drive inexactly the same spot that Camilla met Diane to take her to the party.事故发生在穆赫兰道,正是Camilla看到Diane并带她去参加聚会的地方。

10.Last month, Camilla confided to friends that a Caribbean cruise with Charles had been a "nightmare" .上月卡米拉向朋友抱怨,称与查尔斯同游加勒比海简直就是噩梦。