




1.卡密诺了大量的姐妹教堂和圣坛。随着时间的推移,逐渐形成了一条长达800公里的朝圣之路加米诺之路(Camino),也被称为欧洲最 …

3.懒虫懒虫Camino)Camino拉图(Chateau Latour)Chateau Latour蓝仙姑(Blue Nun)Blue Nun老伯威(Old Parr)Old Parr龙船 …


1.CEO Brenda Hall is the chairman of the Camino Real DEC, sharing a commitment to help companies expand their businesses internationally.公司首席执行官BrendaHall,作为CaminoReal地区出口理事会(DEC)的董事长致力于帮助各公司在国际范围内拓展业务。

2."El Camino" is one of the four nominees for the AMA Song of the Year.“厄尔尼诺卡米诺”是为年度澳玛歌的四个候选人之一。

3.There is a time for departure even when there's no certain place to go. --Tennessee Wilpams, Camino Real.即使没有特定的地方可去,还有离开的时间。——田纳西·威廉斯。

4.Dubbed the V70 Pickup Concept, the new rendering mixes classic Volvo design traits with an El Camino style body.名为V70四驱概念,新的渲染沃尔沃混合经典设计特征与厄尔尼诺卡米诺风格机构。

5.The new El Camino Hospital in Sipcon Valley is the most technologically advanced in the world.位于硅谷的捷径医院是目前世界上医疗技术条件最先进的。

6.For more information and to download, visit the Camino Preview site.想了解更多信息或者想下载测试版,可以访问Camino预览版网站。

7.A score of 110, where Firefox and Chrome users are, is above average, while the 120 ranking of Opera or Camino users is considered superior.火狐和谷歌浏览器用户平均智商为110,高于正常智商水平,而欧普拉或卡米诺浏览器用户得分120,堪称高智商。

8.For example, El Camino College in Capfornia holds pronunciation classes for staff who might otherwise struggle with Hispanic names.比如,加州艾尔卡密诺城市学院(ElCaminoCollege)就为教职人员开设了语音班,让他们不必再为西班牙的人名而纠结。

9.Mozilla Gecko (see Resources), the Firefox layout engine, is used within several browsers such as Camino.一些浏览器,例如Camino,使用了Firefox的布局引擎MozillaGecko(请参阅参考资料)。

10.Vineyards are a major feature of this part of the camino葡萄园是这段朝圣之路的主要景观