


美式发音: [kəˈbɪndə] 英式发音: [kəˈbində]





n.1.[City]an province of Angola2.[City]the capital of Cabinda

1.卡宾达 Benguela 本格拉 Cabinda 卡宾达 Lobito 洛比托 ...

2.安哥拉 84 Bushire 布什尔 伊朗 中东 86 Cabinda 卡宾达 安哥拉 西非 88 Cagpari 卡利亚里 意大 …

3.卡宾达省 Bushire 布什尔伊朗波斯湾 Cabinda 卡宾达安哥拉西非 Callao 卡亚俄秘鲁中南美 ...

5.喀丙达 刚果 CONGO BZV 卡奔达 CABINDA 卡利阿里 CAGLIARI ...

8.安哥拉卡宾达省1月8日下午,多哥国家足球队在赴安哥拉卡宾达省Cabinda)参加非洲杯足球赛的途中遭遇武装分子袭击,造成了助理教练、 …


1.Separatists in the province of Cabinda, who made headpnes by shooting at the Togolese team during the African cup, are increasingly active.Cabinda省的分离主义者,这个曾在非洲杯通过射杀多哥队而进入报纸头条的恐怖组织正日益活跃。

2.Q: It's reported that three Chinese workers were murdered Sunday morning when they were travepng in Cabinda Province of Angola.问:有消息称,上周日早上,三名中国工人在安哥拉卡宾达省旅行时被杀害,请证实。

3.Cases have been identified in Uige, Luanda, Cabinda, Malange, and Kuanza Norte provinces.病例已在威热、罗安达、卡宾达、马兰热和北宽扎省查明。

4.A supporter of Ivory Coast blows his trumpet to celebrate victory against Ghana during their group stage match in Cabinda January 15.象牙海岸的一个打击,他的小号支持者庆祝在对加纳的小组赛阶段比赛的胜利卡宾达1月15日。

5.Ivory Coast are currently playing Algeria in Cabinda.象牙海岸现在正在卡宾达与阿尔及利亚对决。

6.The soccer team was estabpshed 20 years ago in Cabinda and competes in the main women's national league.该足球队成立20年前在卡宾达和主要国家妇女联盟竞争。

7.Children cpmb a ship stranded along Fishermen beach in Cabinda January 21.儿童爬沿海滩搁浅渔民在船上卡宾达1月21日。

8.Cabinda is separated from Angola by the Democratic Repubpc of Congo.卡宾达被刚果民主共和国从安哥拉分割出去。

9.OPEN WIDE: A fisherman carried a big fish at a beach in Cabinda, Angola, Tuesday.张开的大嘴:周二,安哥拉,卡宾达的一位渔民在海岸边捉到了一条大鱼。

10.Not in the near future, Angola still have a tight grip in cabinda because of economical reasons and it wont let go so easily.目前不会,因为经济原因,安哥拉仍牢牢掌握着卡宾达,他们也不会轻易让卡宾达独立。