




1.凯美瑞其凯美瑞(CAMRY)一个品牌通过广代博广告公司交由发行人代理媒介投放,2007 年将其新增品牌均通过广代博广告公司交由发 …

2.佳美新型佳美CAMRY)技术性能表车型类别 3.0 GX五座四门三厢式 2.2 GL五座四门三厢式 驱动形式 前置前驱动 发动机 V6缸24 …

3.丰田佳美丰田佳美发动机故障四例 例一 故障现象:一辆丰田佳美(cAMRY),搭载3S-FE 型电控燃油喷射发动机、自动变速器, 累计行 …


5.香山香山camry)EB9552A-S605 家庭用人体秤 粉红色客户服务 网站导航 全部商品分类 该商品已下柜,非常抱歉!

6.丰田的凯美瑞翻阅过去几年美国汽车市场上的销售数据,会发现丰田的凯美瑞(CAMRY)和本田的雅阁(ACCORD)称得上是一对冤家。它们在 …

7.佳美系列⒔ 佳美系列CAMRY)SXV10、VCV10、SV21、SXV20 ⒕ 亚洲龙(AVALON)MCX10 (二) 日产汽车公司(NISSAN) ⒈ …


1.Toyota is about to release a new Camry, which has underwhelmed early reviewers and no doubt will undergo revision to maintain dominance.丰田即将发布新款凯美瑞(Camry),该车的老款并未给评论家留下深刻印象,毫无疑问,为保证其主导地位,新款必将有所改进。

2.Its Guangzhou plant can produce about 350, 000 vehicles a year and makes the company's Camry sedans, among other models.其广州工厂的年产量约为35万辆汽车,生产凯美瑞(Camry)等型号的轿车。

3.Even till now, the main car type of the Toyota Camry(the Kai beautiful Rui), return to be think to be too dull, not enough "cool" .即使到现在,丰田的主要车型Camry(凯美瑞),还被认为是太乏味,不够“酷”。

4.Toyota Motor Corp. said it plans to start exporting about 6, 000 U. S. -assembled Camry sedans a year to South Korea beginning next month.丰田汽车公司(ToyotaMotorCorp.)说,其计划从下个月起,每年向韩国出口大约6,000辆在美国装配的凯美瑞(Camry)轿车。

5.That was an old Toyota Camry with fairly high mileage but that didn't bother me.那是一辆旧式丰田车,行车里程已经相当高,但这并没妨碍我。

6.Grabbing Weinstein by the jaw , the attacker told her he had a gun and forced her into the Camry .这名歹徒抓着温斯坦的下巴,告诉他,他有枪,强迫她进入车里。

7.It also suspended production of the cars, which include the bestselpng Camry and Corolla sedans, and then extended the warning to Europe.同时,该公司也暂停了凯美瑞、花冠等畅销车型的生产,随后,该问题涉及的范围被扩大到了欧洲市场。

8.The decision marks the first time the U. S. -assembled Camry will be exported outside of North America.丰田的这一决定标志着在美国装配的凯美瑞将首次出口北美以外地区。

9.Toyota is still putting the full-court press on Lexus, new full-size pickups, new Camry.丰田仍然在凌志,全尺寸皮卡和佳美投入了巨大的力量。

10.Decoration with furniture in elegance Guoan Camry bought a full set of furniture, mattress after discount 4000 yuan.装修时配家具在富雅国安佳美买的全套家具,床垫优惠后4000元。