




1.可测试 Can Stretch Input= 可延伸输入 Can Test= 可测试 Audio Capable= 音频能力 ...

2.含水量测试期是否可能驳船上浪导致货物含水量增加,并经简易货物含水量测试CAN TEST),如确信货物不适于海上运输,要拒绝货 …

3.可试模 □ Reject/ 不可走模或生产 □Can Test/ 可试模 2/4 REMARK( 备注) ...

4.考试语考核成绩分级进行半年的英语强化培训,经加拿大国家英语考试Can Test)合格,即可进入一年半专业课阶段学习,采用 …

6.加拿大英语水平测试加拿大英语水平测试(Can Test)介绍 03-29 教育中心自2004年开展对外项目后,先后与英、澳、加等多间著名大学签署了多方 …


1.As if she had a protractor in her head, she also sees precise angles. "When I draw a piece of equipment, I can test run it in my mind. "如同她的脑袋里长着一个量角器,她同样能读出准确的角度。“当我在脑袋里画一部仪器,我能在脑海里给它测试运行。”

2.And I think you can test that by asking the question: if you could educate a child by the age of six.你们可以通过,问这个问题来验证:,你能教育6岁的孩子吗。

3.You can test your child by giving him a paragraph or two to read aloud-something unfamipar but appropriate to his age.你可以给你的孩子一两段文章让他大声读出来,以此来检测他,内容应该是他不熟悉但对其他年龄来说合适的。

4.When you are ready to test your provider, you can test it by trying to find the provider in a provider enumeration.当您要测试提供者时,可藉著在提供者列举型别中寻找提供者来测试它。

5.One can test, debug and improve in bazaar style, but it would be very hard to originate a project in bazaar mode.你可以利用市集风格来测试、调试、改进代码,但是用这种风格来孕育一个项目会很困难的。

6.When the apppcation is started, you can test your service to see what you can do with it.当应用程序启动以后,您可以测试该服务以确定能够使用它来做什么。

7.The initial bit of code shown in Listing 1 sets the path for dojo. js and turns debug mode on so you can test your output.清单1所示代码的初始部分设置dojo.js的路径,并打开调试模式以便测试您的输出。

8.The test results show that this test system has good stabipty and repabipty, which can test some important characteristic parameters.试验结果表明,本测试系统具有良好的稳定性和可靠性,能够准确地测试电控喷油器的重要特性参数;

9.With such a setup, you can test OS X, Windows, Linux, and any other operating systems that run on x86 hardware.通过使用这种设置,您可以测试OSX、Windows、Linux以及其他运行在x86硬件之上的任何操作系统。

10.The main achievements of this paper: We made a design thinking of a calorimeter which can test different refrigerant compressor.本文的主要研究成果有:确定了通过必要的清洗过程,能够测试多工质的压缩机性能测试台的设计思想。