


美式发音: [ˈkændɪdə] 英式发音: ['kændɪdə]






1.念珠菌(可导致感染鹅口疮)the fungus that can cause an infection of thrush


n.1.a fungus in the body that can cause an infection called thrush

1.念珠菌真 …

3.念珠菌属 Fungi 真菌 Candida 念珠菌属 Candida albicans 白色念珠菌 ...

4.假丝酵母属 Candace 坎迪丝 Candida 坎迪达 Carla 卡拉 ...

7.念珠球菌属 ... 溶血棒状杆菌 Corgnebacterium haemolyticum 假丝酵母菌属 Candida 白假丝酵母菌 Candida albican…


1.Candida Royalle was in the business during the golden age of porn and decided to make erotic films from a female perspective.CandidaRoyalle在色情演员的黄金年龄就开始行动了,她决定从女性的欣赏角度拍色情电影。

2.Colonization of the lower GI tract and indwelpng catheters have been thought to be the primary sources of systemic infection with Candida.殖民化,降低胃肠道和留置导管一直被认为的主要来源全身感染念珠菌。

3.The scientists extracted proteins from pumpkin rinds to see if the proteins inhibit the growth of microbes, including Candida albicans C.研究小组对南瓜外皮进行了蛋白提取,观察这些蛋白在抑制微生物生长方面的作用,包括白色念珠菌。

4.The development of Candida endocarditis in a premature infant who was treated with fluconazole had not been previously reported.发展念珠菌性心内膜炎在早产儿谁氟康唑治疗以前没有报告。

5.Objective: To understand oral cavity infection of Candida of five carcinoma patients and construction of plant community candidas .目的:研究五类常见肿瘤患者口腔念珠菌感染率及种群结构。

6.Vulvovaginal candidiasis(VVC)is a kind of vulvovaginal inflammation caused by candida infection, which has high incidence and easy to recur.外阴阴道念珠菌病是由念珠菌感染引起的常见的外阴阴道炎症,发病率很高,且治疗后极易复发。

7.PAS stain reveals the budding cells and pseudohyphae of Candida on the surface of the tongue .PAS染色显示舌表面上念珠菌的出芽细胞和假菌丝。

8.abstract: Objective To compare the test result of candida by two smear vaginal smear assays and fungal culture method.目的比较阴道分泌物涂片两种涂片法与真菌培养法检测念珠菌的结果。

9.Candida is now one of the commonest hospital pathogens.念珠菌现在是医院最常见的病原体之一。

10.With a PAS stain, the budding cells and pseudohyphae (short filaments that are not true hyphae) of Candida stain bright red.采用PAS染色,念珠菌的出芽细胞和假菌丝(短细丝不是真正的菌丝)被染为鲜红色。